world war 1

  • a little background on Arlie Oppenheim

    a little background on Arlie Oppenheim
    “We was sent to Galveston Texas to 28th united states and for three i served without organization until until 1920 the tenth dy of september 5 in a half years.” september 10, 1920 he is stating that he served before ww1 and is saying what he did and when he was up on the ww1 army
  • beginning of the war Arlie Oppenheim experience

    beginning of the war Arlie Oppenheim experience
    “We stayed over the Mexican border underwater when the war was declared on April 6, 1917. We were assembled in Mission Texas the regiment was reinforced from 60 men to the company to 250 men to the company giving us three thousand men per regiment.” He is telling his side of when the war was declared, what he was doing, the number of men there,e and how amazing many men there were going to war.
  • beginning of the war Arlie Oppenheim experience #2

    beginning of the war Arlie Oppenheim experience #2
    “I went to New York on the 14th of June send they all died in Halifax Nova Scotia there are symbols of the convoy first convoy to go to France. We had the territory in the past during the be called transport three we had to settle battle wagon from escort with four destroyers and we head out for France.” He is explaining the things they had to do before they were sent off to the first destination for the beginning of the war and what they were sent for they were sent there to kill everyone.
  • going into war

    going into war
    “France First American convoy we landed of St. Nazaire two days out a submarine attack the torpedo was fired from the middle of the convoy fortunately it missed everything but a tow cable and four targets it hit the tow cable and exploded and cut the tow cable. We proceeded all the same as they were but we went into training with the French.” He explains and describes the first things that happened as soon as they got there the things they had to do and how they started fighting.
  • going into war #2 to during the war

    going into war #2 to during the war
    “ on the morning of May 28, 1918, the sun came up at about 4 o'clock we didnt move out until 6:45 we attacked the city of Cantigny and captured it without any difficulty. My squad ran the extreme left flank we were supposed to hold the line beyond the power which we did,"he told us when and what they did and how they won and did it with ease and had no problem doing what they wanted to do
  • during the war #2

    during the war #2
    “We didnt like the way that European armies did battle three four five weeks of bombardment and on a charge we didnt make any move until the 28th day of May of 1918 on the night of the 27 the Buells lord assembly we would only have ten minutes combat equipment today rush to render layers of ammunition the 60 rounds to a bandolier that gave us 220 rounds of rifle ammunition.” he's telling us right up to the moment they was about to hit them with a big attack.
  • during the war #3

    during the war #3
    “20 minutes after we made the attack you got a counter-attack and from until June 1 we had 17 of them which we will study without much trouble the german learned that they couldn't put the fear of god in the hearts of the American swine as they name us because we put the fear of god in the American army to the german army did the defense we put up in cantina which was the beginning of the American come back.” he's saying that they made them go away with ease and that we came out on top.
  • almost the end of the war

    almost the end of the war
    “We moved back to a town that had no equipment got cleaned up saw a book of types of bandages checked out after the German army well up the Moselle Valley from Alsace Lorraine in Cobra to Germany we arrived in Germany on the 11th of December we were set up to a place called fellow castle which were the german fortress to the right of the chorus there we spent the night” he's saying that they had to some up they were just building up strength to tackle them once again.
  • almost the ed of the war #2

    almost the ed of the war #2
    “September 4 of 1919 we landed in new york the forth day f september we was taken out to camp marit and there we was told that the regular army would not be discharged.” hes telling us that he has learned that regular army cant be discharged until tehy go and get passed as ww1 army
  • the end of the war for Arlie Oppenheim

    the end of the war for Arlie Oppenheim
    “The division will be going to parade in New York and Washington i found out I could reinlist for one year and get a regular army date of discharge which I did i got a 30-day furlough and I didnt make the parades in new york or Washington because I was getting married .” he finally got out of ww1 and got married and he did his time he fought for us and believed that we would win and we did.