Japanese invasion of China
Marco polo's incident was due to the fighting between Japanese and Chinese troops on the frontier.It later on led to Japan invading China which was known as the Sino-Japanese war.This event happened because of a difficulty that happened after China's resistance to enlarge Japan's impact on its territory.The Japanese turned most of the Japanese to become nationalists,the family's old significance came next.The disturbance the failures of the war were viewed as giving up the lives for the nation. -
Germany's invasion of Poland
Polland was invaded with German troops along its border with German controlled territory.German U-boats and warships took over Polish naval forces at the Baltic sea.Additionally, Polish airfields were bombed by the German Luftwaffe.Hitler did this to expand Germany&provide space to its citizens.He believed that slaves would become enslaved by the German territory.Polland was split,the west¢er went to the nazi's&the east to the soviet union.Polland served as a battle underground in war. -
German Blitzkrieg
It was a tactic used by Germany which is dropping bombs attacking Europe.It was an air and a land attack.The formation of the Blitzkrieg offensive weapons.This happened because Germany wanted to arise in power since they felt that other European countries were limiting them.It made Germany gained control of industrial resources most importantly oil fields.The Blitzkrieg was a huge attack&caused a lot of casualties,millions were homeless,the areas that were bombed were being feared by the people. -
Fall of Paris
Known as the Battle of France,Hitler released a blitzkrieg on France.With this act,Hitler sent his strong military forces into Paris&Paris was unsuccessful by fighting them back.Many Parisian citizens evacuated&this allowed Hitler to place his flag.After the acceptance of Germany's surrender in WWI and mortifying Germany,Hitler attacked Paris as an act of revenge.This fall of Paris led to Italy taking over France&France was shared among Europe.This attack caused the allies to split into two. -
Operation Barbarossa
Russia was conquered by Germany&the code name was Operation Barbarossa,considered it as the biggest military operation.It's the highest point of what Hitler believes in which the German's master race should attempt to reach Lebensraum in the east.In order to defeat communism,take over land and use the Russians as slave Labour,Hitler decides to invade Russia.Stalin was seen as the most successful&powerful leader.Britain&USA were proud of USSR.An alliance formed between Stalin,Churchill,Roosevelt. -
Pearl Harbour
Japan surprisingly attacks the USA's naval base which is known as pearl harbour.Their commander Mitsuo orders the military to take over,following this event the U.S. declares war on Japan.Because japan has always been eager for land especially South East Asia, the U.S. saw this to be as a harmful act towards them.Signing an embargo towards Japan which angered them.The U.S. had to fight their front for a long period of time,but before they were trying to avoid for a long time! -
Bataan Death March
After Japan's bombing of pearl harbour,U.S. surrenders of the Bataan Peninsula on the Philippine island to the Japanese during WWII.A lot of Filipino&American troops on Bataan were forced to make a march to prison camps.The battle happened because in a short time,Japan had captured Manila,the capital of the Philippines,&the U.S. Filipino defenders were forced to the Bataan Peninsula.Japan wins after nonstop fighting.This resulted in many deaths&the survivors,were prisoned for months. -
Manhattan Project
President Roosevelt signed an order creating a secret project to develop the nuclear weapon.It developed the atomic bomb for the United States during World War II and was the largest secret project ever undertaken by the U.S. It was led by the U.S. with the support of the Britain and Canada.Its because Truman thought that its the only way to make Japan surrender and save the lives of the U.S.The radiation released from the bombs caused mutations in the cells&diseases like myeloma&leukemia. -
Battle of Midway
The battle of Midway a battle which lasted for 3 days.It was fought mostly by aircraft when the U.S. ruined Japan's strength& invaded their pilots which brought a stop to their threats on invading the pacific.This happened because Japan tried to capture Midway in a continuously,interfering with the U.S. pacific&trying to break it down.This battle resulted in equality and unbiased between the forces of U.S.&Japan.It ended Japan's expansion of the pacific,which was a highlight of the pacific war. -
Battle of Stalingrad
This battle is known to be one of Germany's mistakes.In this battle, on the Eastern Front of World War II,Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in Southern Russia.The Battle was one of the bloodiest battles in history.Russia was able to win against Germany.This battle occurred because the Russians were determined to protect their city.Some of its effects was that it caused an innumerable amount of deaths.It became a major turning point of WWII. -
Operation Gomorrah
The British raid Hamburg,Germany.In order to fight back for the civilians killed by the Germans,the attack was ordered.British started of with surprising Germany by dropping and enormous amount of bombs.The total harms of this attack were highly destructive to Hamburg.When operation gomorrah was concluded,many lost their lives&buildings were destroyed.It happened because Britain wanted to seek revenge from Germany.Hitler was defeated&refused to go to cities that were finished with the war. -
Allied invasion of Italy
The allied invasion of Italy began with the British forces skipping across to Calabria.Italy's government agreed to the Allies’ terms for surrender secretly.The plan of attacking wasn't complicated.Mussolini was deposed which made hime weak, this made it easy for the allies to invade Italy&King VictorIII ordered his successors take Italy out.There was no use to continue fighting.Italy switched from the Axis to Allies.Hitler lost Italy's support&became weak and opened for a third final attack. -
D-Day (Normandy Invasion)
After the war with Germany, D-Day happened after this event and was considered to be the largest invasion by sea.This attack occurred through Normandy's beach where Hitler didn't send a lot of forces and they were able to attack.It was easy to take control.It was planned by the allies when the U.S. joined the war.Their aim was to lessen Germany's attacks.This enforced Germany to fight two fronts which was challenging.It led to Germany surrendering which made it a reason to Germany's defeat. -
Operation Thunderclap
It was the bombing of Dresden,a city located in east Germany,this attack was known as operation thunderclap.Froces from Britain&U.S. met together&bombed this city.The aircraft was buffeted just as a rowing boat in a sea.The Allies wanted to leave one undamaged city as a new administrative centre when they engaged Germany.Aiming to aid the Soviet's,by interrupting areas on the eastern front of Germany.This event caused the sky to be vivid of scarlet&white.Nothing was able to be seen for 30mins. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
At Iwo Jima, the first strike from U.S. to japan occurred. After the U.S. was prepared, 3 marines arrived at Iwo Jima. Japan faced obstacles when fighting,so the U.S. were able to win the war&place their flag on Iwo Jima.This was done because the U.S. claimed that they needed a base close to Japan.A long-range B-29 bombers where the Japanese would land without going through all the disaster&and to guard the soldiers.This caused Japan to have no bases,it made them unaware&it benefited the U.S. -
Battle of Okinawa
Allied forces invade the island of Okinawa&the Japanese in the bloodiest battle of the Pacific War.North&south of the U.S. landed beaches,enabled Japan to a violent defense of Okinawa.Japan’s defense helped each other&fought the weaponry fire.Japan’s forces changed their tactics of battling at the water’s edge to gain time,sent their last big battleship,known as Yamato.Allies faced their difficult Pacific campaign.U.S. &Japan’s both lost some of their ships&were destroyed&caused casualties. -
VE Day
VE Day known as Victory Celebrates the absolute surrender of Nazi Germany to the Allied forces,ending WWII in Europe.Hitler died by his own hand,the German military signed surrender documents at several locations in Europe on May7,surrendering to each of their victorious enemies.Allied&Soviet forces met&German Army was destroyed.The concern of the German soldiers was to escape from being take as prisoner.It caused gathered in Trafalgar Square&millions celebrated in the streets of the UK. -
Dropping of the atomic bombs
During WWII,the first atomic bombs by the U.S. were created and decided to be dropped on Hiroshima&Nagasaki. Two bombs were created:little boy&fat man.Truman decided to drop the bombs because he believed that its the only way for Japan to surrender&to save american's lives.The U.S. believed that if the bombs ended the war,Russia's influence would be decreased&costs of the development would be explained.Some of the effects were that the radiation caused the deaths of people&tremendous ruins. -
VJ Day
VJ Day is known as Victory over Japan,which occurred after WWII.It was announced by the U.S. President,Truman.It was announced by Truman that Japan agreed to sign the postdam declaration. The VJ Day happened because of Japan's surrender.For a long period,Japan were denying to sign the Postdam declaration which declares an absolute surrender from WWII.Dropping the two bombs were a main factor to signing the declaration.Its impact is that it not only ended the war of the pacific,but it ended WWII. -
Battle of the Bulge
The Germans launched the last aggressive part of the war,known as the Battle of the Bulge,an attempt to push the Allied front line west from northern France to northwestern Belgium.The German's shortage of fuel&the fighting of the American troops of Ardennes displayed deadly to Hitler.German’s military launched this attack as a mean to break through the allied forces in a way which it would return the war to Hitler.The battle caused countless deaths,loss of weapons&most importantly tanks. -
Work Cited
http://www.history.co.uk/this-day-in-history/06-07/the-battle-of-midway-ends https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ea/OkinawaMarineCaveDemolition.jpg -
Work Cited
http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/battle-of-okinawa -
Work Cited
http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/81/71381-004-534732C4.jpg -
Work Cited
http://ww2.debello.ca/france/index.html -
Work Cited
https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005070 -
Work Cited
http://www.history.com/germans-enter-paris -
Work Cited