World Issues Timeline

  • Mental Health Treatment to Teens in the 1900's

    Many people who experienced mental health issues were treated poorly, although mental health was mainly found in adults at this time, teens were believed to have minimal mental health issues during high school.
  • Early 2000's

    Many teens at this time had the common mental illnesses such as anxiety and stress due to their school work load. They were able to talk to teachers and counsellors about this.
  • 2006

    Many high school students began to feel afraid about getting help due to mental illnesses they were having. In a statistic on it showed that 43.7% of people aged 12-17 felt depressed, school related problems was 22.7%.
  • Supports in 2010

    Many high schools began getting nurses and counsellors in high schools. Although, this was only part time, they knew that more support needed to be given to students in high schools.
  • Mental Health in 2012

    New and improved mental health facilities for people to stay at during their worst times. They would be here in hopes that they could eventually leave this "hospital." Many teens began going to this facility, about 7% there were teens.
  • 2012- High School Statistics

    34% of Ontario high-school students indicate a moderate-to-serious level of psychological distress (symptoms of anxiety and depression).
  • 2014 Suicide Statistics

    In Ontario about 2% of adults and 12% of high-school students report having seriously contemplated suicide in the past year. 3% of high-school students report having attempted suicide. This is meaning that there are many teens that feel way to overwhelmed with heir high school life.
  • Stigma of Suicide in 2017

    For me, this is very important, in my local community and surrounding area we lost 9 teens to suicide alone in a span of a month and a half. I alone knew 5 out of the 9. The stigma around this shocked my community, many supports opened such as extra counsellors at school.
  • 2017 Cuts

    Many schools got rid of their part time nurses (including my school) as the government thought it was a waste and didn't want public health nurses coming in anymore.
  • 2018 Fears

    Currently, high schools still typically only have one part time councillor for students needs. This is not enough counsellors nor enough time, if a student is in a crisis, they should be able to walk into the office and speak with one immediately not be told they have to wait or "come back another time."
  • 2018

    With many more resources such as more information given in classes, more activities and awareness days for students as well as speakers coming in to talk about mental health, we have come to being more open and sharing the stigma around how high school students mental illnesses are no joke and that it is okay to not be okay and talk to someone about that.
  • 2020 Hopes

    For me personally, I hope that all high schools have a FULL TIME mental health counsellor in Canada. The amount of support that students need in today's society is tremendous, if we allow counsellors in a full time position, not only will the stigma of getting help go down, but there is a full time trained professional there to help the high school students.