World History Topics 3

  • William Wilberforce

    A British politician who wanted to abolish the slave trade and pushed for it while in the British parliament.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Cities started boom because machines were invented and many factories popped up.
  • James Watt Invented a Steam Engine

    James invented a much more refined and efficient steam engine, which was widely used during the industrial evolution.
  • James Hargreaves Invented the Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny helped make cotton into thread much faster than if it was done by hand.
  • Samuel Crompton

    An English inventor and Pioneer of the spinning industry. He improved and revolutionized the spinning industry world wide.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Eli Whitney Invents the Cotton Gin

    The cotton gin was a huge part of the industrial revolution because it supplied the workers with enough wool.
  • Lord Shaftesbury

    A British politician and social reformer. He was pushing for children in British factories to not have to work such harsh hours.
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon became the first emperor since France got rid of its monarchy
  • Samuel Morse

    An American inventor who invented Morse code and improved the electromagnetic telegraph
  • Socialism

    The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
  • Helen Allingham

    An English watercolor painter during the Victorian era.
  • Fredric Remington

    Remington was an American painter who specialized in old west paintings.
  • The Spread of Imperialism

    Europe was spreading imperialism by forcing people to learn there culture, industrializing them, and getting rid of other culture or traditions.
  • World War 1 Starts

    A war between all countries in Europe that was caused by an assassination and a system of alliances that were supposed to protect Europe.
  • World War I Ends

    Germany signed an armistice agreement with the Allies on November 11, 1918.
  • Mussolini Rose to Power

    Mussolini became the fascist dictator of Italy
  • Japan in Serious Economic Trouble

    Japan experienced one of the deepest economic downturns in history.
  • Hitler Came to Power

    Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933.
  • Franco Came to Power

    Franco assumed the leadership of the 30,000 soldiers of the Spanish Army.
  • Period: to

    World War II

    The biggest war known to mankind with millions of casualties and brutal war crimes.
  • The United Nations Founded

    Replacing the League of Nations, the United Nations was born. This was a group designed to peacefully resolve conflicts and many more things.
  • Communists Proclaimed the People's Republic of China, with Bejing as the Capital

  • Truce between North and South Korea

  • The EU was Established

    A large group of European countries join in a large group to support each other.
  • The End of American Occupation in Japan

    U.S. Soldiers left Japan