World History Topics 1

  • 5000 BCE

    Nomadic Hunters and Gatherers Unite

    Early Nomadic Hunters and Gatherers first unite and settle around the Nile. They used the river to help make farms and to catch fish
  • 3500 BCE

    Sumerian City-States

    By 3500 BCE the Sumerians had established 12 city states in the Fertile Cresent, with each one have 25,000-250,000 people in it.
  • 3100 BCE

    Sumerians Invented the World First Writing

    Sumerian were the first people to write stuff down.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 322 BCE

    King Narmer Family rule/First dynaty in Egypt

    King Narmer and his bloodline rule throughout this era.
  • 2000 BCE

    Hammurabi Makes a Law Code

    Hammurabi made a law code for his people that consisted of over 282 sections. Each section went over the day to day life of people and went over the dos and the don'ts
  • 1700 BCE

    Hyksos Established new Dynasty

    Hyksos took over Egypt for a little while. Their victory was most likely due to their advanced weapons.
  • 1650 BCE

    Iron first used

    The Hittites started using iron for weapons which gave them a big advantage in war.
  • 1600 BCE

    Egyptians Retook Egypt

    The Egyptians didn't like the Hyksos rule so they overtook them using the same weapons the were defeated by.
  • 1600 BCE

    Ahmose, New ruler of The New Kingdom

    Ahmose rebuilt Egypt, he also made the name of pharaoh. He rebuilt Egypt's temples and abandoned places. He also reopened trade routes.
  • 1595 BCE

    Fall of Babylon to the Hitties

    The Hittites, with their massive army, took over the once great city-state of Babylon.
  • 1480 BCE

    Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut took the position of Pharoh

    She took over after her husband died and her son was too young. Her reign didn't end until her death
  • 1370 BCE

    Akhenaton founds a religion

    When Akhenaton first took power he only wanted the sun dick god, Aton, to be worshiped.
  • 1237 BCE

    Ramses death

    The great Pharoh's death Egypt weakened because of the Mediterranean sea raider.
  • 1200 BCE

    Ramses II took over Egypt

    Ramses took over Egypt. He soon recaptured the lost territories and after a long battle made a treaty with a neighboring country. Which at the time had never been done before. He also had lots of statues, monuments, and tombs made for him and his family.
  • 1200 BCE

    Moses frees Jew

    Moses helps the Jews escape captivity.
  • 1000 BCE

    Peonicians' new idea in writing

    This idea consisted of an alphabet with 22 characters
  • 776 BCE

    First Olympic Games

    The first Olympics took place during this year in Olympia.
  • 650 BCE

    Assyrian Empire

    The Assyrian Empire at this point in time was stretched from the Persian Gulf all the way to Egypt.
  • 620 BCE

    Etruscan Rule

    The Tarquins family took over rule of Rome.
  • 612 BCE

    Assyrians Empire Falls

    The Chaldeans and Medesians formed an alliance to overthrow the Assyrians Empire and they did.
  • Period: 605 BCE to 562 BCE

    The Chaldean Empire

    The Chaldean rapidly took over more and more land, stretching as far Syria.
  • 494 BCE

    First (kind of) Union

    A lot of plebeians (Funny name) joined together and went against their superiors to better their lives
  • 470 BCE

    Socrates was Born

    One of the finest Greek philosophers was born into a poor Athenian family
  • 451 BCE

    Written Laws in Rome

    Roman Laws were carved on bronze tablets.
  • Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE

    Hellenistic Age

    I found it interesting that Alexander conquered a bunch of things successfully but his men didn't want to go farther at one point. I also found it amazing that someone discovered the circumference of the Earth with the tools they had back then.
  • Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE

    Hellenic Period

    the Hellenic Period was a time of greatness and a time of defeat. Many history altering events occurred during this time. Such as wars, economic growth and collapse, and the Hellenic Period gave us a refined democracy.
  • Period: 264 BCE to 164 BCE

    The Punic Wars

    The Punic Wars were a series of wars between Rome and Carthage. They were very costly and horrible overall.
  • 133 BCE

    Tiberius Gracchus

    Tiberius wanted to help the smaller farmers by limiting the rich people in some way. If he hadn't been killed it probably would have worked and the people would have loved him. We took power in 133BC and soon died in a street fight.
  • 107 BCE

    Military Fighting in Rome

    Many Generals started fighting over leadership. This took a toll on Rome but in the end Rome ended up with a pretty good leader.
  • Period: 100 BCE to 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar was a very important man in his time. He helped expand Rome to new place and was loved by many people because of his military campaigns. Sadly, he only ruled for around 4 years.
  • Period: 63 BCE to 14


    Octavian was Julius Caesar's grandnephew. He took power when Julius died and joined up into a triumvirate. He killed Julius Caesar's assassins and kept the Roman Empire an empire instead of a republic. He lead Rome, very well, for 40 years.
  • Period: 31 BCE to 180

    Pax Romana

    This 200 year period signified Rome's peaceful period.
  • Period: 118 to 128

    The Pantheon

    At the time the Pantheon was an architectural wonder because of its curved roof. t was also made of concrete, a new building material at the time.
  • 161

    Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus was one of Romes first good emperors since Julius Caesar.
  • Period: 192 to 284

    Which Roman Emperor was Better?

    During this time Rome had 28 emperors. Unfortunately, most of these emperors were killed shortly after taking power by the military. I believe this strained the political side of Rome.
  • 200

    All Free Males Citizens

    Because of the mass amounts of land Rome was capturing they were taking in a lot of people too. Because of this, laws had to be made for people who weren't citizens. Instead of this they just made every free male in Rome a citizen.
  • 300

    Rome's Economic Collapse

    Because of the constant attacks not as many things were being made. Because of this people weren't buying and prices start to soar as profit began to decrease. In order to stop the the Roman government minted more coins. This didn't work because the coins were made of cheaper materials, this only caused inflation. All of this resulted in food and man power shortages. There was also a smaller army because no one was getting paid.
  • 500

    Barbarian Invasions

    The Germanic and Huns invaded Rome and concurred it. This marked the end of Rome's Emperor status as its new leader wanted the title King.
  • Indo-Europeans Spread

    The overall spread of Indo-Europeans is fascinating. To learn they traveled so far and influenced so many languages is really a great feat for the time period.
  • Map of Middle East

  • Fertile Crescent

  • Asia Minor

  • Bronze was Discovered

    Sumerians first discover bronze by mixing copper and tin.