World history- Timeline of genocide

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany a nation with a Jewish population of 566,000.
  • Hitler Claims Emergency Powers

    Emergency powers granted to Hitler as a result of the Reichstag fire.
  • Boycott of Jewish Businesses

    Nazis stage boycott of Jewish shops and businesses.
  • Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals

    Nazis pass a Law against habitual and dangerous Criminals, which allows beggars, the homeless, alcoholics and the unemployed to be sent to concentration camps
  • Schutzstaffel Organized

    The SS (Schutzstaffel) is made an independent organization from the SA
  • Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases

    Nazis pass law allowing forced abortions on women to prevent them from passing on hereditary diseases.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Race Laws against Jews decreed
  • Reichs Zentrale is created

    The Reich central office is created
  • Nazi’s Occupy Rhineland

    Nazis occupy the Rhineland
  • Kristallnacht/The Night of Broken Glass

    The destruction of Jewish nomes and businesses in Munich, and the beating of Jewish people.
  • St. Louis Ship (with Jews)

    a ship crowded with 930 Jewish refugees, is turned away by Cuba, the United States and other countries and returns to Europe
  • Germany invades Poland

    When Germany invades Poland
  • Einsatzgruppen, starts

    Heydrich issues instructions to the special action squads to gather Jews in Poland into ghettos.
  • Madagascar Plan presented

    Eichmann's Madagascar Plan is presented
  • Auschwitz opens

    Nazis choose a town in Poland as the site of a new concentration camp called Auschwitz.
  • Lodz Ghetto Opens

    The Lodz Ghetto opens with 230000 Jews inside
  • The Commissar Order

    an order that authorizes execution of anyone suspected of being a Communist official in territories about to be seized from Soviet Russia.
  • Yellow Star for German Jews

    Jews from germany are required to wear a yellow star to indicate that they are Jewish
  • Babi Yar

    SS Einsatzgruppen murder 33,771 Jews at Babi Yar near Kiev.
  • Wannsee Conference

    the Wannsee Conference talks about the "final solution"
  • Creation of the Zigeunerlager

    Gypsy family camp is created and set up in Auschwitz-Birkenau sector BIIe
  • Dr Josef Mengele arrives at Auschwitz

    When Dr Josef Mengele arrives at Auschwitz
  • Himmler Orders Liquidation of ghettos

    Himmler orders liquidation of all Jewish ghettos in occupied Poland
  • Last Gassing at Auschwitz

    Last use of the gas chambers at Auschwitz.
  • Himmler Orders Destruction of Auschwitz

    Himmler orders destruction of the crematories at Auschwitz.
  • Liberation of Auschwitz

    Russian troops liberate Auschwitz. By this time, an estimated 2,000,000 persons, including 1,500,000 Jews, have been murdered
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
  • International Military Tribunal

    The opening of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal.
  • Adolf Eichmann captured

    Adolf Eichmann is captured in Argentina by the Israeli secret service.
  • Dr Josef Mengele Dies

    Dr Josef Mengele Dies