World history timeline

  • 14,500 BCE

    Asian migrants cross Bering Land bridge and enter North America

    Asian migrants cross Bering Land bridge and enter North America
    These were the first known people to enter North America. During the ice age they crossed the Baring strait and when they tried to cross back the ice on the land bridge had melted and they had to stay in America.
  • 3000 BCE

    Lower,and upper Egypt unite

    Lower,and upper Egypt unite
    Lower Egypt is at the top and Higher Egypt is at the bottom which is weird but before 3000 BC they hadn't been together and it was basically like 2 different countries.
  • 2400 BCE

    Cuneiform begins in Mesopotamia

    Cuneiform begins in Mesopotamia
    There had not been a proven form of writing before Sumerian cuneiform so this was a huge achievement in the Mesopotamian valley.
  • 1600 BCE

    Hitties raid babylon

    Hitties raid babylon
    The hiities had iron before most ancient civilizations and that helped them when they raided the city of babylon.
  • 1000 BCE

    Aryans invade Indus River Valley

    Aryans invade Indus River Valley
    The Aryans came from the caucus mountains in Europe , Later him either the race Caucasian. Anyway they invaded Indus River valley and integrated with their society before the Persians conquered them.
  • 639 BCE

    Assyrians conquer and rule Egypt.

    Assyrians conquer and rule Egypt.
    The assyrians came from the Mesopotamia and were one of the biggest war based society in ancient history. They believed that they had to conquer every other society so that's what they did.
  • 551 BCE

    Birth Of confucious

    Birth Of confucious
    Confucianism is simply a way to live in china. Confucious, the founder was born during the warring states period. When he grew up he became an infamous Chinese philosopher and looked as family, traditions, and your role in society is what life should be all about.
  • 530 BCE

    Persia conquered Indus River valley

    Persia conquered Indus River valley
    Persia later became an even bigger empire but Indus River valley showed few signs of non peacefulness. So Persia being a militaristic society they probably stomped them easily.
  • 222 BCE

    Construction of the Great Wall of china begins

    Construction of the Great Wall of china begins
    The Great Wall of china is easily the most known monument in Asia. Originally it was being built to keep invaders out but now it's a huge tourist attraction
  • 221 BCE

    Shi Huangdi becomes first emperor of china

    Shi Huangdi becomes first emperor of china
    Shi Huangdi is one of the most known emperors from ancient china probably because he spent his entire reign planning his tomb. His tomb was massive with around 8000 terra-cotta warriors surrounding him.
  • 131 BCE

    Creation of Silk Road

    Creation of Silk Road
    The Silk Road was a network of trading routes through china and Europe , during the Han dynasty it really helped their ideas of expansionism and commerce grow.
  • 30 BCE

    Cleopatra died

    Cleopatra died
    Cleopatra was one of the most influential female figures in all of ancient history. She was very wise and stood up for what she believed in.