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2017-2018 Dominic Cheang Dalat World History

By Dcheang
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 500 BCE

    3-Early Fertile Cresent People

    Life of the people that lived in Mesopotamia
    Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Hittites and Kassites, and Chaldeans
  • 9800 BCE


    he early humans create canals to allow the water to flow normally throughout the city. They also built banks to hold back flood water from the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.
  • 7100 BCE

    6.1-China-Civilazations Begin

    Civilizations start to appear in the 黄河 and the 长江 river.
    The people start to develop farming with the rich content in the silt used for the farming. They also hunted with bows and arrows and bred animals such as pigs and sheep
  • 4500 BCE

    3.1-Mesopotamia-The Food Surplus

    A food Surplus allowed Sahana to be the first barber.
    It starts the division of labor and allowed people to wok on different jobs depening on what their profession is.
    These jobs meant that large projects can be done by people that specialize in that area.
  • Period: 4500 BCE to 400

    4-Ancient Egypt and Kush

    Geography and history of Ancient Egypt and Kush
  • 3500 BCE

    3.3-Sumer-the worlds first from of writing

    Around this time, Sumerians created the worlds first alphabet.
    This allowed sumerians to have more jobs such as scribes.
  • 3100 BCE


    Menes became Eygrpts first pharaoh and founded the first dynasty of Egypt
  • 3000 BCE


    The Egyptians created a paper like material called papyrus. This material was made by pressing layers of reeds together and pounding them together making papyrus. The papyrus was also easy to roll into scrolls, which makes it easy to keep.
  • 2334 BCE

    3.2-Mesopotamia-Sargon empire

    Sargon captured most of the Fertile Crescent and created the first empire
  • Period: 2300 BCE to 500

    5-Ancient India

    The Indians were one of the worlds most advances covilizations of their time, they created many inventions and discoveries that are still being used today.
  • 2200 BCE

    6.1-China-China's first dynasties

    The civilizations along the 黄河 began to cherish and become for complex. Forming the first dynasty
    Around 2200 B.C. Stories state that a man called Yu the Great founded the Xia Dynasty, the first dynasty of china.
  • 2000 BCE

    5.1-India-The first cities in India

    The first cities in India were made by the Harappa Civilazation. The two greatest sources of info about these cities wre from the ruins of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 500 BCE

    8-Ancient Greece

    Many important inventions originated from Ancient Greece, such as the different types of government, and the most popular sport games, the Olympics.
  • 1950 BCE

    4.2-Egypt-The Pyramids

    The architects and engineers of Egypt built huge royal burial sites called Pyramids.
  • Period: 1600 BCE to 1 CE

    6-Ancient China

    Shang Dynasty-1500 B.C.
    Zhou Dynasty-1100 B.C.
    Qin Dynasty-221 B.C.
    Han Dynasty-207 B.C.
  • 1500 BCE


    Hinduism was a mix of many religions from other kingdoms, it is the largest religion in India today.
  • 1472 BCE

    2.3-Egypt-Queen Hatshepsut increases trade

    This queen sent Egyptian traders south to trade goods with the kingdom of punt of the Red Sea, and with the people of Asia Minor and Greece.
  • 1300 BCE

    8.1-Ancient Greece-The Classical Age

    The Classical Age is a period of time that is marked by great Greek achievements. These include building City-states, a powerful army, sailing, etc.
  • 1300 BCE

    3.4-Mesopotamia-Hittites, kassites and assyrians

    These people where the first people to use chariots and iron forged weapons in war.
  • 800 BCE

    3.4-Mediterranean-Phoenicians, worlds first alphabet

    Th peonicians create the worlds first Alphabet which is the base f the English alphabet we use today in our daily lives. it allowed writing to be much easier as it spread across the Mediterranean as they traded.
  • 753 BCE

    10-The Roman Republic-Romulus

    Around 753 B.C. Romulus was believed to be the first king of Rome. Romulus had a twin brother Remus, when they were infants, they were put in a basket and thrown into a river. They didn’t drown, but a wolf rescued them. The wolf took care of them for several years and then they were adopted by a shepherd.when they grew up, they decided to build a city to mark where the wolf had saved them. When they were planning the city, Remus laughed at Romulus’s design, then Romulus killed Remus
  • 753 BCE

    10.1-The Greek World-Romulus and Remus

    Legend says these pair of twins were the founders of Rome. Still infants, they were cast ashore by their father on the Tiber River. They didn’t drown, but instead, they were rescued by a she-wolf. The she-wolf took care of them until one day a shepherd found them. The shepherd raised them and one day, they decided to build a city along the Tiber River to honor the wolf that saved them. Remus laughed at Romulus’s designs and Romulus killed him. After that Romulus named the city after himself Rome
  • Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE

    10-The Roman Republic

    The Roman Republic was and is still on the Italian Peninsula. they were the first country in the World to use the Republican political system. Many Important people in ancient history also lived in Rome. Many great wars were also fought within the Roman Empire
  • 600 BCE


    Buddhism is a religion based on the teachings of the Buddha.
  • 600 BCE

    4.3-Egypt-The Expansion Of Trade

    Meroë became the center of a large trade network. Merchants from Egypt and Greece brought and sold goods to the ports on the Mediterranean, Red Sea, and to Southern Africa. Kush also exported and imported good to and from their country.
  • 585 BCE

    9.1-The Greek World-Cyrus the Great

    Cyrus the Great was a great leader. One of the reasons was because he didn’t mistreat the people of the places he conquered. For example, when he conquered Babylon, he didn’t force the Babylonians to follow his own beliefs, but instead, he allowed them to keep their own traditions,
  • 551 BCE


    Confucius was born around 551 B.C. His teachings about Confucianism still influencing people today
  • 550 BCE

    8.3-Ancient Greece-Greek Literature

    The Three main types of literature was Epic poetry, these type of poetry was based on great Greek heroes, next was lyric poetry, these types of peotry are used for music, and were meant to be played on the lyre. The last type of poetry was fables, these were short stories used to teach the reader about life and how to live it.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 30 BCE

    9-The Greek World

    The various leaders of Greece and the rise of the perisan empire
    Cyrus the Great
    Alexand r the Great
    Phillip II
    Darius I
  • 500 BCE

    8.2-Ancient Greece-Government

    Greece is the birthplace of democracy, where the people rule themselves. Another type of ruling is oligarchy, this is when a few rich people rule. The last type is tyranny, here one person is ruling by force on the people.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 1537

    16-The Early America’s

    The first civilizations in the americas, the Mayans, Aztecs,and incas
  • Period: 500 BCE to

    13-Early African Civilizations

    The geography of Africa, Its early years, empires and historical and artistic traditions. For example The Empire Of Ghana was a huge and rich empire that became successful through trade of salt and gold.
    Purchase the full copy for a discounted price of $1.99 from $2.99 to read the full timespan.
  • 431 BCE

    9.2-The Greek World-The Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian War was a war that threatened to tear apart all of Greece. The Athenians used the money of an alliance that was created to protect all of Greece for their own good. They also mistreated the other cities of the other city states.
  • 400 BCE


    Sanskrit was the most important language from ancient India.
    It was spoken and written by the people and is now the root of the language of most South Asian countries.
  • 400 BCE

    10.2-The Greek World-the Roman Government

    Magistrates were the highest place, two people called Conculs would lead the government, army, and judged court cases. They served for one year and had all power over citizens, politicians, and other officials.
    Senates were people who advised the Conculs. They served for life and gained control of financial affairs.
    Assemblies and Tribunes represented common people, elected magistrates, approve or rejected laws, and declared war. They served for one year.
  • 400 BCE

    9.4-The Greek World-Greek Architecture

    The style of Greek architecture is very well known around the world. One of the most iconic types of Greek architecture are the columns that are used to hold up the buildings. This style of Greek columns are used for some of the worlds most famous buildings. The columns Greek architects were very careful when they measured the columns. They knew that if the columns wer all straight, it would look curved in the middle, so they bulged the columns a little to make it look straight.
  • 334 BCE

    9.3-The Greek World-Alexander the Great

    After his father Phillip II died, Alexander the Great took power, although he was very young, he was a powerful and strong leader like his father. Alexander the Great defeated the Persian army over and over againuntil the Persian King fled and don died. In 327 B.C., he reached the Indus River and wanted to push deeper into India, but his exhausts soldiers refused to go any further. Disappointed, he started marching home. Alexander never returned to Greece, he died unexpectedly in Babylon.
  • 270 BCE


    Asoka was the grandson of Candragupta. He watched his army fight many battles but after one bloody battle, that took many lives on both sides, he decides to convert to Buddhism to spread peace to India.
  • 221 BCE

    6.3-China-The Qin Dynasly

    An emperor named Yong Zheng gave himself the tile Shi HuangDi, meaning first emperor. He united the whole of China and followed legalistic political beliefs.
  • 218 BCE

    10.3-The Roman Republic-Hannibal

    Hannibal is considered one of the greatest generals in all of ancient history. He hated Rome from an early age and in 218B.C. He began th second punic attacking one of Rome’s allies in Spain. He later became the leader of Carthage. But later he was forces by the Romans to leave. He went to Asia to fight with a king that was also fighting against Rome. The King was defeated and Hannibal killed himself so he wouldn’t become a Roman prisoner.
  • 207 BCE

    6.4-China-The Han Dynasty

    After the Qin dynasty had fallen, several different groups fought for control of China and the Mandate of Heaven. After years of battle, an army led by Lou Bang succeeded and won the war. This new dynasty lasted for more than 400 years. Lou Bang was also the first emperor that was a peasant that became an emperor.
  • 58 BCE

    11.1-Rome and chrstianity-Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar was a great general, between 58 and 50 B.C. he conquered almost all of Gaul. He wasn’t only a great general, he was also a great speaker. He won many supporters through speeches in the forum. In 45B.C. Caesar names himself dictator for life. The people and the senetors were not happy about this. On March 15, a date known as the ides of March, in 44 B.C. a group of senators attack and stabbed Caesar to death in the senate
  • Period: 50 BCE to 1453

    11-Rome and Christianity

    The Roman Empire was a vast and strong empire, there were fights and new religions, and also the fall of the empire.
    Things such as Julius Caesar and Christianity will be covered in this chapter
  • 1 CE

    11.2-Rome and Christianity-Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus was one of the worlds most influential figures in all of world history. Most of what we know about him is contained in the Holy Bible. The Holy book of the Christian religion. One of the most popular stories about Jesus was his resurrection. He was crucified under Pontius Pilate. And rose again in the third day.
  • 100

    5.5-India-Scientific advances

    The Ancient Indians were very smart people. They advanced in metallurgy, the study of working with metals, Mathematics, Astronomy, etc.
  • 200

    6.5-China-The Silk Road

    The Silk Road is a 4000 mile long network of routes that starts in China and spreads westwards.
  • 200

    11.3-Rome and Christianity-the decline of rome

    When foreign tribes invaded the Roman Empire in the 200’s, Rome started to decline, a century later, these bands began attacking deep into the heart of Rome.
  • 200

    13.1-West Africa-Gold and Salt

    Gold & Salt were valuable trade resources to West Africans. Salt was used as a preservative to keep food fresh. Gold was highly valued and a tool for trading.
  • 250


    The Mayans created an early. Version of basketball, but instead of using hands only, they could only use their heads, shoulders, and hips to hit and bounce the ball in to rings on both sides of the court. The winners of the game received jewels and clotheing
  • Period: 400 to 1200

    17-The Early Middle Ages

    The Geography, Whatever happened after Rome fell, Feudalism & Manor life, and the Faisal society
  • 430

    17.2-Ireland-Saint Patrick

    Saint Patrick was a monk who helped convert the Irish people into Christians. When he was a teenager, he was kidnapped and taken to Ireland to work as a shepherd. After 6 years, he escaped. But he returned to Ireland later to spread Christianity. Based on. A legend, he drove all the snakes out of Ireland and was deemed saint by the Irish people.
  • 500

    13.4-West Africa Griots

    The Griots were story tellers that preserved the history of west Africa. They did this by sharing stories to other griots and this is called oral history. They also shared proverbs and wise sayings. They shared the oral history because because they didn’t have a written language.
  • 500

    17.1-Eurasia-Ural Mountains

    The Ural Mountains is a mountain range that separates Europe and Asia. Without this land form, it would be a lot harder to differentiate the split between Asia and Europe.
  • 500

    13.2-Ghana-Silent Bartering

    Silent Bartering is people trading without meeting face to face. This was important so that the gold mine locations would be kept a secret and conduct trade peacefully.
  • Period: 550 to

    12-The Islamic World

    The roots of Islam, their beliefs & practices, their empires, and cultural achievements.
  • Period: 550 to


    The geography and Early japan, Air and Culture in Heian, and the Growh Of a Militarry society
  • 570

    12.1-The Islamic World-Muhammad

    Muhammad brought a new religion to Arabia. Muslims believe that God sent an angel and had made him a prophet. Muhammed was th founder of the Islamic religion. All the messages that Muhammed received from God is stored in the Qur’an the holy book of the Muslims.islam is a lot like Christianity, that only worship one God but the beliefs are different.
  • 589

    14.1-The Sui Dynasty-The Grand Canal

    A man names Yang Jian ended the period of disunion, in 589, he conquered southern China and unified China again. During 589 to 618, the leaders of the Sun Dynasty started the construction of the Grand Canal, a canal linking northern and southern China.
  • Period: 589 to


    The reunification of China and it’s dynasties.
    The Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties
  • 593

    15.1-Japan-Prince Shotoku

    Prince shotoku brought many Chinese culture to Japan because of his admiration of Chinese culture. When he saw an opportunity to let japan adapt some cultures. He sent scholars to all over China to learn as much of China as they could. One of the most important things Prince Shotoku brought to Japan was Confucianism, Japan adopted Confucianism
  • 600

    12.2-The Islamic World-the five pillars

    The five pillars of Islam consist of: thee is no god but God, and Muhammad is his prophet, praying five times a day, giving, fasting during the month of Ramadan and traveling to Mecca at least once on a haji.
  • 700


    Feudalism, just like all other societies had different ranks. Feudalism spread to places like Italy, Spain, and Germany by the 1000, and to Britain, also in the 1000, but by a conqueror crammed William, Duke or Normandy. He defeated the English king and names himself king. He gave large pieces of land to his Knights as reward for the victory
  • 700

    17.4-Europe and Japan-Similatiries

    The European Feudal Society was very similar to the Japanese Slciety, their Knights and samurai had code of honors and were given land by the Nobles or Daimyo. Their Feudal Government was very similar with almost all the same ones, the only different things in their government were their religion and art style.
  • 800

    12.4-The Islamic World-Science and Philisophy

    Muslims advances in Astronomy, Math, Geography, Medicine and Philosophy. But the most important of those advances were Math, the numerals they used are the numerals we use today.
  • 900

    14.2-Tang Dynasty-The Compass

    The Tang Dynasty was a dynasty of great inventions. Of the most useful and amusing achievements was the perfection of the magnetic compass. Since they invented it, the compass has been used to navigate ships across the ocean, and even some of the most important voyages in the history of mankind.
  • 900

    14.3-Late Tang Dynasty-Neo Confucianism

    During this time, many Chinese scholars became interested in the teachings of Confucius again, they wanted to improve the government and society. They created a new philosophy called Neo-Confucianism. It was similar to its predecessor but it also emphasized in spiritual matters.
  • 1000

    18.2-The Holy Land-The Crusades

    The Crusades were a long series of wars between Muslims and Christians. The Christians fought fiercely for the Holy Land because it was where Jesus was born, where he preached and where he lived.
  • 1000

    15.2-Heian-Lady Murasaki Shikibu

    Lady Murqsaki Shikibu was one of the greatest whitest in Japanese history, She is know to have written the worlds first novel, The Tale Of Genji. Many readers also consider it as one of the best novels.
  • Period: 1000 to 1500

    18-The Later Middle Ages

    Popes, kings, crusades, all the good stuff
  • 1073

    18.1-the Church-Excomunication

    Since the pope had the power to excommunicate, casting someone out of the church. Many people feared him, they thought that if they were excommunicated, they would go the hell and not heaven. A pope named Pope Gregory VII, excommunicated Roman Emperor King Henry IV because of questioning the popes authority. The emperor waited outside the pope’s door in the snow for 3 days to be forgiven, this shows that even the popes can have more power over the king
  • 1088


    The First Univrsities were created by the church, to teach about religion.most teachers were members of the clergy. Some of the universities that were built then ar still standing to day.
  • 1100

    12.3-The Islamic World-Three Muslim empires

    The Ottaman empire, Safavid Empire, and the Mughal Empire. All these Empires played Major roles in the world of Muslim empires. They all conquered their own lands.
    The Ottaman Empire: 1200s-1800s
    The Safavid Empire: mid600s-mid1700s
    The Mughal Empire: 1526-mid1600s
  • 1100


    The Reconquista is a war caught by the Christians and the Muslim Moors in the Spanish lands. This time, unlike the Crusades, the Christians Won the war and took over Spain.
  • 1206

    14.4-The Mongol Empire-Genghis Khan

    For many centuries people who attacked the Chinese were mongols, people of the vast plain of north China. Genghis Khan United the tribe of north China and made them into a powerful army. Ganghis Khan’s Empire was the largest empire known to the history of mankind is the way he did it was by killing men, women, and children in all the places he conquered, doing that, he placed fear into his opponents and practically eliminated his opponents.
  • 1250

    16.2-Aztecs-Human Sacrifices

    The Aztects, like the Mayans but not mentioned, believed that gods needed human sacrifices to be pleased. On average, over 10,000 people were sacrificed in a year, that was around 30 per day. The people there sacrificed be mostly battle prisoners or slaves. They would cut their chests open to give the heart to the gods
  • Period: 1270 to

    19-the Renaissance and Reformation

    The Italian Renaissance, beyond Italy and the reformation on the church.
  • 1274

    15.3-Japan-The Mongol attempted Invasion.

    The mongols attempted to invade Japan in 1274, but didn’t succeed because of a big storm, they tried their luck a second time but again, it wasn’t successful because of a storm that swept up their fleet. The Japanese calls the storm kamikaze, meaning divine wind, that they believes the gods has sent to help them.
  • 1300

    19.1-Italy-the Renaissance

    After all the trad with Asia and the reopening of the Silk Road, the Italian Ranaissance started. Italian Writers like Dante Alighieri, or Niccolo Machiavelli wrote books then that are quite well know today. Arts also became a big things during this tim, with two masters people call the Renaissance people, people who can do basically anything well. Such as Michelangelo and Leonardo DaVinci, inventing, painting, architectur etc.
  • 1324

    13.3-Mali-Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa was the most famous ruler of Mali. Also, he was super rich. He was a Muslim. He was so rich that he caused inflation wherever he went. He was also really into education and built mosques and schools. His son was total weak sauce and caused the downfall of the empire to raiders/nomads.
  • 1347

    18.4-Europe-The Black Death

    The Black Death was a plague that swept through Europe between 1347 and 1351. It was originally brought in from Asian trade ships. The Black Death was not cause by one single virus but many different ones. It killed 1/3 of the entire European population.
  • Period: 1400 to

    20-Science and Exploration

    The Scoentific Revolution, the great voyages, and the new systems of trade
  • 1492

    20.2-Great Voyages of Discovery-Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus was the first person to sail across the Atlantic Ocean and reach the Americas. Because he though it was Asia, that’s why it wasn’t named after him. But he was still the first man to sail across the Atlantic Ocean and to the Americas.
  • 1500

    20.3-New Systems of Trade-the Columbian Exchange

    The Colombian Exchange is a series of trades between the Americas and Europe. Europeans brought products from Europe to trade with the local products of the Americas. Europeans brought products like Bananas, cattle, chicken, grapes etc. to trade with products of the Americas like beans, corn, pineapple, etc.
  • 1517

    19.3-Northern Europe-Martin Luther

    Martin Luther, the author of the Ninety Five thesis. Martin Luther protested against unpopular Church practices, and nailed the Ninety Five Theses all over church doors. But because of that he caused a split in the church, those who protested against the Catholic Church were called Protestants.
  • 1550


    The Incas were so good at stonework that the could cut stone blocks so precisely that they didn’t need any cement to hold them up together. Those buildings still stand today
  • 1564

    19.2-Europe-William Shakesphere

    William shakesphere is considered one of the greatest writers by many readers, he wrote more than 30 comedies, tragedies, and histories. The theaters of London ere packed just so they can watch his plays
  • 20.1-Science and Exploration-Sir Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton was the man who discovered Gravity, and the three laws of motion. He proved his theory so many times that it is considered laws now. Those laws there the foundation of most scientific studies up until the 1900’s.
  • Period: to

    21-Enlightenment and Revolution

    Ideas of the Enlightenment, New Governments, and the Age of Revolution
  • 21.1-Europe-Enlightenment

    Elightenment Is a period of time of reason to guide people thoughts about Philosophy, society and politics.Enlightenment’s thinkers looked back to the Greeks, Romans, the Scientific Revolution etc for ideas. Most of the Enlightenment was secular, or non-Religious.
  • 21.2-America-Benjamin Franklin

    Enlightenment was also something that was growing in America’s colonial leaders, two of which who are Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. They believe that England had no right to tax the colonists in America. He went to London to argue that the British shouldn’t collect taxes because they had no position in the parliament. This cause riots to break out in America forcing the British to remove the stamp act.
  • 12.3-America and Europe-The Decloration of Indemendence

    Some colonists dislikes the laws and taxes that was being imposed by the British Government. Many colonists protested against the British government as they thought they were unfair. But not all colonists wanted independence, but they wasted fairlaws to feel safe. In 1776, the colonial leaders gathered at a meeting and Thomas Jefferson Wrote the Decloration of independence.
  • Malaysia, I was summoned to this world

    The world rejoiced for my birth. And I shaped history. (Not)
  • 10-MD-Republicans

    The Republican type of politics originated from Rome. they were the first people to use that form of politics. It is used in various countries today such as Denmark. There are also countries that mix it up with some other type of politics for example, the United States is a Democratic Republic.
  • 12-MD-Math

    Muslims combined the Indian and Greek number system and created the numerals we most commonly use in math today, the Arabic Numerals.
  • 3-MD-laws

    Laws in Malaysia and all around the world were influenced by Hammurabi's Code.
  • 4-MD-Malaysian society

    The Egyptian society spread across the worl and now we have different levels of authority in every country.
  • 5-MD-Religion

    The Religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism are two on the biggest religions of today in Asia. The religions that were created centuries ago are the same religions as these.
  • 6-MD-Confucianism

    The way of Confucianism heavily impact the ways of Asian culture among families
  • 8-MD-Democracy

    Democracy originated from Greece and is now a type of government used by many countries today
  • 9-MD-Geometry

    Euclid, was one of the worlds greatest mathematicians, he talked about how mpmath relates to other subjects such as music and astronomy. He is best known for his advances in geometry. His works of geometry was so influential that tha branch of geometry we study at school is called Euclidean Geometry.
  • 11-MD-Christianity

    When Jesus was born, it was a start of Christianity. Jesus’s teachings are still taught in churches around the world and in now the most popular religion.
  • 13-MD-Online Shopping

    Silent Bartering is very similar to Online shopping today. The risks are almost the same judging by the fact that through silent Bartering, you wouldn’t know if the trader will just take the product and run and through online shopping, the seller might be scamming you for the product. When silent Bartering keeps the location of the Gold secret, online shopping keeps the location of all the products secret too.
  • 14-MD-Gunpowder

    Gunpowder was originally invented in China and sold/spread across the rest of the World, without Gunpowder, wars would still be fought with swords and bows and arrows, but instead of riding on horses, you’ll be shooting arrows off bikes and cars. Wars would be completely different and the course of history will be severely altered if gunpowder was never invented
  • 19-MD-Protestants

    The Protestants are basically the Christians today, but not Catholic or anything, it’s still the Protestant denomination.
  • 15-MD-Samurai, shogun

    Nowadays. Many video games, movies, shows, etc. feature characters like the samurai. The fighting style in them are also sometimes influenced by the martial arts style practiced by the Samurai. Without hothead Samurai, modern society wouldn’t be as fun as it is.
  • 18-MD-Universities

    Universities that were founded during the later Middle Ages like, Oxford, or Cambridge can still be found today and you can still go to those universities to study. There are universities like the Univerity of Paris split up into different parts, not just one big university
  • MD-20-Isaac Newton

    Issac Newton founded the laws that the univers need to exist, like the laws of motion and gravity. Without those laws, planets will be fly one around everywhere, there might not even be planets due to the lack of gravity to bring them together. and is there weren’t laws of motion, everything will not work the way they should, architects need to follow the laws of motion and gravity to design a building that would hold itself together. Scientist need it to culculate their theories.
  • 16-MD-Mexico

    If the Aztects wouldn’t have arrived in Central America/Mesoamerica, there probable wouldn’t be a Mexico there right now since there wasn’t any people there to start of a civilization.
  • 17-MD-Video Games

    The Middle Ages was a time with fights and vast lands. Something gamers want today, so many companies have made many games based on the Middle Ages, with legends of not, one of them could be The Witcher 3, or Kingdom Come Delivarance.
  • MD-21-The United States Of America

    Without the Decloration of independence, what is currently know as the United States of America might not exist. Chunks of it would have been controlled by England, Spain, and France. World War 2 might not have been won b the allies but by the Nazis. Technologies also may not be the same as it is today.