World History Timeline

  • 1095

    Indulgences (Catholic Church Pre-Reformation)

    Indulgences (Catholic Church Pre-Reformation)
    Indulgences are pieces of paper the church started to sell to get money from people. The Pope said buying one would get a family member or you out of purgatory faster. This was a big reason for the reformation.
  • 1269

    Invention of the Eyeglasses (Inventions)

    Invention of the Eyeglasses (Inventions)
    A man named Salvino D'Amrati created eyeglasses between 1268 and 1300. The invention had nothing to do with the Reformation they just happened at the same time.
  • 1300

    Renaissance Social Classes Started (Daily Life)

    Renaissance Social Classes Started (Daily Life)
    Everyone in the Renaissance was in a social class. The Upper class contained nobility, the King, and very wealthy families. The Townspeople class contained workers patricians, burghers, workers and the unemployed. The Peasant class contained farmers and the people with the same jobs as middle age peasants. These social classes started when to Renaissance started.
  • 1400

    Trading with the Americas Started (Daily Life)

    Trading with the Americas Started (Daily Life)
    Trading was around for a long time but effected everyday life. In the early 1400's trading with the Americas started. There were trade centers in Florence, Venice, and East Aisa. Trading happened all around the world with different parts of the world. This had no direct connection with the reformation.
  • 1434

    Giovanni Medici Founding the First bank(Patrons of the Arts)

    Giovanni Medici Founding the First bank(Patrons of the Arts)
    Giovanni Medici was the first founder of the Medici bank in the year 1434. This would make the family very wealthy and important to the Renaissance. He was however not connected to the reformation.
  • 1440

    Invention of the Printing press (Inventions)

    Invention of the Printing press (Inventions)
    A man named Gutenberg invented the printing press. A printing press is a machine that is able to copy writing from one piece of paper to another. This helped Martin Luther copy the translated version of the bible to make more and spread them across the countries.
  • 1483

    Birth of Martin Luther (Martin Luther and the Reformation)

    Birth of Martin Luther (Martin Luther and the Reformation)
    Martin Luther had a huge impact on the Reformation. He translated the bible to German so a lot more people could understand it. He made a list of bad things the church was doing and sent it to the archbishop.
  • 1495

    Leonardo started painting The Last Supper (Renaissance Art)

    Leonardo started painting The Last Supper (Renaissance Art)
    The Last Supper is a well-known painting of Jesus and his disciples sitting and standing at a table. This was described in the bible and so he painted it. The is no connection between this and the Reformation.
  • 1504

    Marriage of the Virgin Finished (Renaissance Art)

    Marriage of the Virgin Finished (Renaissance Art)
    Raphael is a famous Renaissance painter and he painted this one. This painting is also known as Lo Spossalizio. He painted for the Franciscan church of San Francesco. It has no connection with the reformation.
  • Period: 1508 to 1512

    Painting of the Sistine Chapel (Renaissance Art)

    This a chapel painted by Michelangelo. He was hired by the Pope to paint it but agreed that there would be no naked people, but Michelangelo painted a lot anyway and the Pope was not happy. It took a total of four years to finish all of the paintings.
  • 1511

    Heliocentric Theory Published (Scientific Discoveries)

    Heliocentric Theory Published (Scientific Discoveries)
    Nicolaus Copernicus came up with the idea of a heliocentric solar system and made it public in 1511. Before Copernicus, everyone believed that Earth was the center and everything rotated around it, but Copernicus said differently and was thrown in jail.
  • 1513

    Pope Leo X Elected (Catholic Church Pre Reformation).

    Pope Leo X  Elected (Catholic Church Pre Reformation).
    Pope Leo X was originally named Giovanni De' Medici. He bought his way into the papacy which many people saw as not okay. He made Rome the center of European culture and raised the papacy to great political power. This made Martin Luther mad because the pop should be chosen by the Cardinals, not bought.
  • 1515

    Lorenzo Medici (Patrons of the Arts)

    Lorenzo Medici (Patrons of the Arts)
    He sponsored many artists who are famous today. He sponsored Micanglo, Leonardo de Vinci, and Sandro Botticello. He ruled during the peak of the Renaissance around 1500 to 1530. He had no connection with the reformation.
  • Period: 1517 to

    Reformation (Martin Luther and the Reformation)

    Martin Luther started the reformation in 1517 by nailing his 95 theses to the church door. This gave us many things once the fight was over with the church and the Pope. It gave us the translated bible, spiritual and region freedom, democracy and much more.
  • 1522

    Translation of the Bible (Martin Luther and the Reformation)

    Translation of the Bible (Martin Luther and the Reformation)
    Martin Luther translated the Bible into German so many more people could read it. He translated it once and then used a printing press to make more copies. This really boosted the reformation because people could interpret the Bible the way they wanted and practice the way they want.
  • 1536

    Panting of Henry VIII (Renaissance Art)

    Panting of Henry VIII (Renaissance Art)
    The painting of Henry the VIII was done by a man named Holbein. It was painted while Henry was in reign in 1536. Holbein painted it so Henry didn't look as fat as he actually was. There was not a connection between this painting and the reformation.
  • 1563

    The Tower of Babel (Renaissance Art)

    The Tower of Babel (Renaissance Art)
    The Tower of Babel was painted by Pieter Bruegel in 1563. He was inspired by a story in the bible about men trying to build a tower to heaven. There isn't a connection between this painting and the reformation.
  • Microscope Invented (Scientific discoveries)

    Microscope Invented (Scientific discoveries)
    The microscope is put under the scientific discoveries because once it was invented it helped discover many things. It was invented by Zacharias Janssen. People used it to study things in our water, nose and our food. This had no connection to the reformation.
  • Romeo and Juliet (Literary Works)

    Romeo and Juliet (Literary Works)
    This is a play written by William Shakespeare. It is about two kids who commit suicide for each other because they think they are in love. This has no connection with the reformation.
  • Invention of the Toilet (Inventions)

    Invention of the Toilet (Inventions)
    The toilet was invented by John Harington. He invented it for the Queen at the time. The toilet would need to be cleaned out because everything would just sit in the toilet but another compartment until clean.
  • Hamlet (Literary Works)

    Hamlet (Literary Works)
    Hamlet is a well-known play written by Shakespeare during the renaissance era. It is a play about a prince who was killed by his brother so his brother could get the king. This play had no connection to the reformation.
  • Macbeth (Literary Works)

    Macbeth (Literary Works)
    This was a play written by William Shakespeare. It is a play about a guy who killed his King so he would become king and he started to become delusional. His wife commits suicide because it weighs too heavily on her. This has no connection with the reformation.
  • First Dramatic Opera ( Daily Life)

    First Dramatic Opera ( Daily Life)
    Music and dance was a part of everyday life because they used it to show off their clothes. They would do it at dinner parties to show off their best clothes. The first dramatic opera was written by Claudio Monteverdi and came out during the Renaissance in 1607.
  • St. Peters Basilica Finished (Catholic Church Pre Reformation)

    St. Peters Basilica Finished (Catholic Church Pre Reformation)
    This was were the Popes went to church. It is still the largest church in the world. Pope Julius II started the building of it and laid the first block. It was finished under Pope Paul V. It was built with money from indulgences and made Martin Luther mad.
  • Newton Discovering Gravity (Scientific Discoveries)

    Newton Discovering Gravity (Scientific Discoveries)
    Newton was a scientist towards the end of the Renaissance. He discovered gravity by having an apple fall on his head. Newton discovering gravity happened a few years after the Reformation so it did not have connections to it.