World History Timeline

  • Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Jan 1, 1291

    Crusades Are Fought

    There was a seriies of 8 crusades lasting roughly 200 years. This came about when the musmls captured Jerusalem in 1076. Due to the importance of Jerusalem to both colonies this started the battle between the muslims and the Catholic for rule of Jerusalem starting in 1096 and ending in 1291 as it eventually ended the crusading Era in result of the fall of the Acre.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Renaissance Begins

    Renaissance Begins
    Renaissance literally means "new birth" it was used for the benefits for classical literature, learning, and art. It started in Italy towards the close of the Middle Ages. During the course of the 15th and 16th centuries, it gave a new culture to Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1337

    100 year war begins

    100 year war begins
    The name Hundred Years' war has been used to describe the conflict between the kings and kingdoms of France and England from 1337-1453. There were 2 main conflicts: the first was the region of Guyenne, it belonged to the kings of England. It was under control of the French, but the kings of England wanted independent possestion. Second, the closest relatives of Charles IV (who died in 1328) the kings of England, claimed the crown of France.
  • Jan 1, 1347

    Black Death Begins

    Black Death Begins
    The black death was one of the most devastating pandemics in history. Resulting in the death of an estimated 25 million people.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty in China

    Founded by genral Zhu Yuanzhang in 1368. He emerged victoriously and crowned himself emporer. The Ming Dynasty was one of the most stable and longer lasting dynasties in history. The governmet was strong and capable with the support of Zhu, but without him they worked badly when he wasnt continuous and always reliable.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1405 to Jan 1, 1433

    Voyages of Zheng He

    Zheng commanded voyages to south asia, shoutheast asia, the middle east, and east africa from 1405-1433. He then went on to rise to the top of the heiarchy and served as commander of the Southern Capital.
  • Jan 1, 1431

    Joan of Arc burned at the stake

    Joan of Arc burned at the stake
    Joan helped turn the 100 years war firmly in Frances favor. she heard voices that exhorted her to aid the Dauphin in capturing reims. After granted permission she set out on many voyages dressed in mens clothing, accompanied by soldiers and an audience. She fought for many years in honor of the french, getting her in all sorts of trouble. One day whilst leading a sourtie agaisnt the burganvindias she was captured. When she was found in her cell dressed as a boy, Joan was burned at stake at 19.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    ottomans conquer constantinople

    ottomans conquer constantinople
    The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Army, under the command of Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II on 29th May 1453.
  • Jan 1, 1455

    Johannes Gutenberg- printing press

    Johannes Gutenberg- printing press
    In the 19th century, the hand operated Gutenberg-style press, that allowed printing on an industrial scale, was replaced by the Western style printing system and was adopted all over the world, becoming practically the sole medium for modern bulk printing.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Jews, gypsies and moors expelled from spain

    Jews, gypsies and moors expelled from spain
    Flamenco- its origin and evolution.
    Many details of the development of the Flamenco are lost in spanish history. All due to the confusing, and conflicting times of the people involved with the Flamenco Culture. The moors, the jews, and the gypsies were all persecuted do to their religious beliefs. Therefore they were expelled from Spain.
  • Aug 8, 1492

    1st voyage of Columbus

    1st voyage of Columbus
    On August 3rd 1492 Christopher Columbus departed spain and made port in the Canary Islands for a final restocking and left there on september 6th. He was in overall control of 3 ships. The Pinta, the Nina, and the Santa Maria.
  • Jan 1, 1498

    Da Gama lands in India

    Da Gama lands in India
    Vasco de Gama becomes the first European to reach India via the Atlantic Ocean when he arrives at Calicut on the Malabar Coast.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Slave trade across atlantic

    The Middle Passage is referred to as the period that slaves were transported by ship across the Atlantic to the colonies of the New World. Historians estimate approximately 9-12 million slaves were transported to the new world between 1500-1800.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1501 to

    Safavid Empire

    Safavid Empore covered most of Iran and some parts of Georgia.
    This empire was a theocracy, with its state religion of Shi'a Islam.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1504 to Jan 1, 1505

    Da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa

    Many believe Da Vinci worked on this painting for about 4 years and kept it to himself for sometime after that. Much later it was sold to the King of France for 4 thousand gold crowns. Later passed onto Napoleon who used it as decoration for his bedroom. It is proven that the painting was never returned to the rightful owner, but to the one who originally payed for it.
  • Jan 1, 1508

    Michelangelo begins painting Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo begins painting Sistine Chapel
    Michelangelo painted the ceiling of The Sistine Chapel between 1508 and 1512. This painting is a cornerstone work of Renaissance art.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Martin luther posts 95 theses

    Martin luther posts 95 theses
    Martin Luthers revolutionary ideas led to the breaking away from the catholic church. And later led to the perseverance in forming the 95 theses, a list of questions and propositions for debate. Legand has it Luther nailed a copy of his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenburg Catholic church.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Magellan starts his around the world trip

    Magellan starts his around the world trip
    Magellans expedition set sail August 10,1519. He was killed in April 1521 at Zebu, but they had already reached the Eastern edge of the known world, after he was killed his men finished the voyage back to spain. This voyage proved that the Earth is round.
  • Jan 1, 1526

    Mughal Empire begins

    Mughal Empire begins
    the Mughal Empire extends over large parts of the Indian subcontinent and ruled by prince Babur, a refugee from Central Asia. His uncles repeatedly denied him the rule over the Silk Road cities, however he was able to establish the Mughal Empire. From which he conquered most of the Indian subcontinent.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1527 to

    Philip II rules spain

    He ruled a variety of colonies throughot these years. From Spain to porrtugal, also the duke of Milan. During his marriage to Queen Mary II he was prince Consort of England and Ireland. His empire included the territories on every continent. Whilst he reigned Spain reached a peek of its influence and power.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Henry VIII founds Anglican Church

    Henry VIII founds Anglican Church
    Henry VIII wished to get a divorce that the pope would not allow. Through the Act of Supremacy, Henry made himself the head of the church of England in place of the pope. He destroyed Englands monestaries and catholic shrines. He insisted all churches have the"Great Bible." Very few changed their religious beliefs. Almost all of England remained catholic excluing the loyalty of the Romans.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Pizarro invades the Inca Empire

    Pizarro invades the Inca Empire
    The Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire was one of the most important campaigns in the Spanish colonization of the Americas. After years of exploration the Spanish soldiers under Francisco Pizarro captured the Sapa Inca Atahualpa in the Battle of Cajamarca in 1536
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Copernicus publishes heliocentric theory

    Copernicus publishes heliocentric theory
    Copernicas presented his theory of heliocenticism, opposed to the well known theory of geocentricism, that placed earth at the center which had been proposed way earlier on. His theory of Helocentrism didnt attract much attention until he later elaborated and created a fully mathematical model of the heliocentric system that placed the sun at the center and had the other planets rotating around it.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1545 to Jan 1, 1563

    Council of Trent

    One of the Roman Catholics most important universal councils. Its described as the embodiment of the Counter Reformation.
  • Jan 1, 1558

    Elizebeth I becomes queen of england

    Elizebeth I becomes queen of england
    Two months after the death of Elizabeths half-sister, Queen Mary I. The daugter of Henry VII Elizabeth Tudor was crowned Queen Elizabeth I at Westminster Abbey in London.
  • Period: to

    Age of Enlightenment

    A cultural movement that emphasised freedom rather than traditon. It spread from Europe to the United states, carrying on into the 18th century.
  • Jamestown, colony in Virginia, founded

    Jamestown, colony in Virginia, founded
    In December 1606 settlers from London were instructed to settle in Virginia to find gold and seek territory. On May 14th 1607, the explorers landed on Jamestown Island and established the first English colony. They landed on jamestown because the deep water channel led their ships to shore. It was later proven that after landind they were attacked by the Algonquian natives. The survivors then formed this first English Colony known as Jamestown.
  • Naming of the new world

    Naming of the new world
    The Western Hemisphere was discovered when European explorers founded the Americas in 1638. Before this crucial historical event geographers predicted the world consisted of Africa, Asia, and Europe. This is referred to as "The Old World" When the Americas were founded a man named Amerigo Vespucci created the term "The New World"
  • Louis XIV become king of France

    Louis XIV become king of France
    Louis XIV ruled france in 1643 and remained king for 72 years. He transformed the monarchy leading to the Golden Age of art and literature. He authorized adding new territories and declared his country dominant. During the final years of his authority France was wakened by lengthy wars that drained its resources and the huge departure of its population.Soon after he revoked France of its religious freedom.
  • Quing Dynasty in China begins

    Quing Dynasty in China begins
    In 1636 Emporer Huang ruled China following in his fathers footsteps. A man named Li Zicheng ended the Ming Dynasty and formed a new government in Beijing. The Quing army convinced a general named Wu Sangui to rebell against Li Zicheng. With Wu's assistance the Qing army successfuly clamed Beijing and started their government system there.
  • Thomas Hobbes writes Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes writes Leviathan
    Thomas Hobbes wrote Leviathan while he was voluntarily living in exile to avoid persecution. He feared the forces of parlimant could put him at risk. He wrote Leviathan to defend the monarchist idea. some believed this wasnt the case, indeed he was a monarchist and for his own reasons. The book was a gift to Charles II who was exiled in Paris. Hobbes realistically predicts the necessary recourses for survival from the irrational and selfish nature that the human race really is
  • Period: to

    Oliver Cromwell rules England

    From his point of view Englad was not an effectively working system, and the nation was severely suffering. He was backed by the armies and became the leader of england from 1653-1657
  • Peter I (the great) becomes tsar

    Peter I (the great) becomes tsar
    Peter the Great (his self given title) was tsar of russia from 1682-1725. He was known for dragging Russia out of the hardship of the midevil times. He structuralized the government, modernised the army, He increased the power of the peasants dramatically. His desire to push Russia into the Modern Era that existed then was phenomenal. While his military was successfully ongoing he improved the quality of the church,schools and areas of the Russian economy.
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor

    Napoleon becomes Emperor
    Napolean was crowned Napolean I. The first man to hold that title in 1,000 years. He was known to have lead one of the strongest militaries in history. in 1977 France was at war with Europe and it was in his hands to keep his nation standing. After becoming 1st cosul he readjusted his armies and defeated Austria. In 1812 he began to face defeat after defeat. He had more tempory success before he was ultimetly defeated for the last time,and was exiled to an island off the coast of Africa
  • Period: to

    Catherine the great rules Russia

    Catherine the Second, or "The Great," helped set the foundations for the Russian “Westernization” in the 19th and 20th centuries. Shes famous for her ambition to rule the Russian Empire.
  • U.S Constitution is ratiied

    U.S Constitution is ratiied
    The process of this ratification requires 9 states that approve this movement. The smaller towns were instantly convinced and like that snaps they had 5 of the 9 states they needed to convince. The larger states were much trickier becuase they ran into protestiing antifeds wo refused to attend conventions. they were helplessly dragged through the streets and locked behind closed doors. It worked. Federalits compromised by offering individual rights to be considered first.
  • French Revolution begins

    French Revolution begins
    This Revolution, like the american rev. before it was influenced by enlightening ideals, and irreversible rights. Even so failing to meet all its goals and at times it was complete chaos, this revolutionary pandemic played a strong role in shaping our nations by "showing the world to inherit in the will of the people"
  • Reign of Terror begins

    Reign of Terror begins
    It started after Louis XVI died. The terror was designed to prevent counter-revolution from gaining control. Most victims were ordinary people. Commities were ordered to arrest suspected people. Either by suspected conduct, or enemies of liberty. promises of the Declaration of the Rights of Man were forgotten. Terror was the order of the day. Maximilien Robespierre the mastermind behind it all, supporters of the terror come to feel that it must be stopped. Speaking out of defense was prohibited
  • Napoleon defeated @ Waterloo

    Napoleon defeated @ Waterloo
    At Waterloo in Belgium, Napoleon faced ultimate defeat forcing him to encounter his final fall from power, he was then forced to give up his crown and be exiled. In march 1815 he was ready to redeem himself. He quickly formed a new army and set out for war. they marched to meet their rivals.With approx. 100,000 total the armies were equal in size. His opponent had a better plan and napoleon was defeated for the last time. he lost 25,000 men
  • Tokugawa Shogunate ends

    Tokugawa Shogunate ends
    Under Tokugawan rule their government as they called it "bakufu" The emporer did not rule, shogun had complete power of Japan. US commodore matthew perry indefinitely and without a dout contributed to the collapse of tokugawa. Speculation with exchanging gold and silver with foreigners caused some contriversy in the result of economic hardships. The sonno Joi not only made downfall of Shogu inevitable but it also sped up the process.