world history timeline

  • 1947 BCE

    Establishment of Committee of Public Society

    Established republic against foreign attacks.Established republic against internal rebellion.
  • 1793 BCE

    Republican Calendar Began

    Earliest calendar used by the Romans is obscure
  • 1789 BCE

    1st use of the Guillotine

    The notorious killing machine of the French Revolution.Used to behead thousands of people.
  • 1789 BCE

    Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Fundamental document of the French Revolution and in the history of human and civil rights
  • 1762 BCE

    Publication of Hobbes work

    Founder of the social contract tradition.Life in the state of nature is "solitary,poor, and short"
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    Revolutionary assembly formed by the representatives of the 3rd estate
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Third estate established itself as National Assembly
  • Bastille is stormed

    France faced a major economic crisis
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    The monarchy fell after the attack on the Tuilenes.Louis was arrested
  • Napoleonic Code Started

    Not the first legal code to be established in European country with a civil legal system
  • Napolean becomes Emperor

    Extensive and powerful influence of modern wond
  • Continental System

    A foreign policy of Napoleon 1 of France
  • Napoleon Exited

    Exiled from the throne and banished to Mediterranean islands
  • Waterloo

    Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated by two armies of the seventh constitution
  • Napoleons Death

    stomach cancer, found evidence of stomach ulcer
  • Establishment of the Directory

    5 member committee which governed French.Replaced the committee of Public Saftey
  • Robespiere Killed

    French lawyer and politician.
    Best known and most influential figures associated with thee French Revolution.
  • King Removed From Versialles/ Womens March

    Weakening of army meant that it was unable to control the miltanstic wings of Nazi