World History Semester Timeline Joshua Patterson

  • 1440

    Johannes Gutenberg created the printing press

  • Period: 1492 to 1502

    Christopher Columbus did four trips across the Atlantic ocean, on his first he 'discovered' the Americas

  • Period: 1497 to May 20, 1498

    Vasco da Gama was the first European to sail around Africa to Asia

  • 1503

    Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa

  • Period: 1508 to 1512

    Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

  • 1509

    Desiderius Erasmus wrote the Praise of Folly

  • Period: Apr 21, 1509 to Jan 28, 1547

    Henry the VIII was the king, he broke from Rome and made the Church of England later to become the Angelica Church

  • 1517

    Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses and began Lutheranism

  • Period: 1519 to 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan left Spain in 1519 trying to find a route to the spice islands

  • 1521

    Hernando Cortez was a Spanish explorer, with his biggest accomplishment being conquering the Aztecs

  • 1532

    Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incan empire

  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier was sent to find a new route to Asia and also claimed parts of what is modern day Canada

  • Aug 15, 1534

    St. Ignatius de Loyola founded the Jesuits

  • 1536

    John Calvin wrote Institutes of the Christian

  • 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus came up with the Heliocentric model in 1543

  • Period: Nov 17, 1558 to

    Elizabeth I was the daughter of Henry the VIII, she was Queen of England and battled the Spanish armada

  • Period: 1577 to

    Francis Drake was an explorer from 1577-1580 and helped to defeat the Spanish armada in 1588

  • Period: to

    William Shakespeare was a famous play writer, poet, and actor

  • Miguel de Cervantes was a Spanish writer writer that wrote many things the main being Don Quixote in 1605

  • Johannes Kepler discovered the laws of planetary motion

  • Galileo Galilei discovered 4 moons of Jupiter and studied other objects in space

  • Period: to

    Charles the first was king of England for 24 years until he was executed for causing a Civil war

  • William Harvey was the first person to fully describe the circulatory system accurately

  • Period: to

    Louis XIV was the king for 72 years during which he built the palace Versailles

  • In 1651 Charles II took an army trying to invade England but got defeated and exiled until 1660

  • Thomas Hobbes wrote the Leviathan

  • Period: to

    Oliver Cromwell was a strong military leader who was a big part of the defeat of Charles the first, Cromwell then became the dictator for five years until his death

  • Period: to

    Peter the great changed Russia so they would be more modern and established them as an important nation

  • Isaac Newton developed the 3 laws of motion

  • John Locke wrote The Two Treatises of Government and came up with the three inalenable rights

  • Period: to

    William and Mary took over from James the second and began the glorious revolution

  • Period: to

    Frederick the great help to increase military power and territories while he was in power

  • Baron de Montesquie wrote The Spirit of Laws

  • Voltaire wrote many things but his biggest was Candide

  • Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote The Social Contract

  • Period: to

    Louis XVI was king for 19 years then he was executed

  • Period: to

    Napoleon Bonaparte was a strong military leader who then became emperor

  • Period: to

    Eugene Delacroix was a famous romantic painter