World History Semester 2 Final Project

By crogers
  • Jan 1, 1300

    The Renaissance Begins

    The Renaissance, or "Rebirth" was a period in European history that marked the revival of classical learning and wisdom. Culturally, the Renaissance had a massive impact. During the Renaissance, Humanism rose up. Instead of devoting their lives to the church, people decided to try other things. The Renaissance also impacted art and the way we think of it. Cities and their residents gained enough money to make art and distribute it throughout Europe.
  • Oct 29, 1510

    The Reformation Begins

    The Reformation was a massive movement in Western Christianity. During this time, reformers were challenging the Christian Church's rule and questioned the church's ability to define Christianity. A man named Martin Luther created a list of complaints called the 95 Theses. The Reformation had a significant impact on religion. The entire point of the Reformation was to question the rule of the church. It was believed that the church was corrupt and shouldn't be in charge of teaching Christianity.
  • Oct 30, 1510

    The Reformation Begins (p2)

    The Reformation impacted Europe in many ways. One of which was in the political sense. Previously, the Christian Church had the most political power. Reformers didn't like this because, in their view, the church was extremely corrupt. Reformers had decided that the pope shouldn't have the power to alter the words of the bible. They believed that teaching Christianity and politics should be in the hands of bishops, pastors, and princes.
  • Period: to

    Age Of Revolutions

    The Age of Revolutions refers to a period of significant political and social upheaval that occurred during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It was characterized by a series of revolutions and profound changes across different parts of the world. The Age of Revolutions was characterized by a fervor for change, fueled by liberty, equality, and individual rights. It reshaped political, social, and cultural landscapes, laying the foundation for modern democratic ideals.
  • American Revolution

    The American Revolution (1775-1783) was a war fought by thirteen colonies seeking independence from British rule. Motivated by grievances and inspired by ideas of liberty, the colonists declared independence, fought battles, gained international support, and secured independence in 1783. It marked a significant step towards democratic governance and inspired global struggles for independence.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon's Rule

    Napoleon Bonaparte, a military genius and emperor of France (1799-1815), centralized power, implemented a codified legal system (Civil Code), modernized institutions, promoted education, expanded territories through conquest, but also imposed censorship, suppressed dissent, and engaged in costly wars, eventually facing defeat at Waterloo.
  • Napoleon Dies

    Napoleon, the ex-emperor of France, dies on the island of St. Helena at 51 years old.