500 BCE
13.1 - Ancient Africa - Africans find method to get hard metal.
West Africans found a way to heat up certain kind of rocks to get a hard metal. This was iron. Iron is stronger than other metals and useful for making tools and weapons. These iron tools let farmers to clear land faster and grow food more easily than they could when they had earlier tools. -
Period: 500 BCE to 1580
Early African civilizations - chapter 13
Empire fo Ghana (300-about 1200) , empire of Mali (1230 approx.- 1500) , Empire of Songhai (1300- about 1600). -
16.1 - maya empire - building cities in Mesoamerica begins.
Early maya lived in small villages which were isolated. Then, these villages started trading with one another and with other groups in Mesoamerica. Trade increased and the villages grew. By 200ad the maya started to built large cities in Mesoamerica. -
Period: 200 to 1537
Chapter 16 - the early Americans.
This chapter includes the maya empire (1000-1500) , Aztec empire (1325-1521), Inca empire (1400-1537). -
13.2 - Ancient Africa - protection of Soninke against nomadic herders begins.
Soninke began to come together for protection against the nomadic herders that wanted to move into the area. This coming together was the beginning of Ghana . -
15.1 - Ancient Japan extension of Honshu begins.
Yamato rulers had extended their control over much of Honshu . Even though they didn’t control the entire country, the leaders of Yamato clan began to call themselves the emperors of all of Japan. -
Period: 550 to
The Islamic world - chapter 12
Three Muslim empires. The Ottoman Empire (mid 1200), the Safavid Empire (1501), the Mughal Empire (1526). -
Period: 550 to
Chapter 15 - Ancient Japan
Some important people in this chapter are Prince shotoku (573-621) , lady Marusaki shikibu (around 1000AD), Oda nabunaga (1534-1582) , Tokugawa (1543-1616) . -
14.1 - China - Sui dynasty begins.
A northern ruler names Yang Jian conquered the south ,unified China, and created the Sui dynasty. However this dyansty did not last long. During this time the leaders restored China and began the grand canal. -
Period: 589 to
Chapter 14 - China
This chapter includes people from the Sui Dyansty(589-618), Tang dyansty (618-960), Song Dynasty (960-1279) , Yuan(1279-around 1300), Ming dynasty (1368-1644). -
12.1 - Ancient Arabia - Muhammad’s journey to Medina begins.
Muhammad was invited to move to Medina. He set off with a few of his followers . His departure from Mecca is known as the hegira, or journey. Muhammad became a spiritual and political leader in Medina. -
12.2 (but stolen from 12.3) - Ancient Arabia - Abu Bakr unifies Arabia
Abu Bakr was directing a lot of battles to unite Arabia. By his death he had made Arabia into a unified Muslim state. -
12.3 - Ancient Arabia - Arab and Berber army invades Spain
A combined Arab and Berber army invades Spain and conquers it. The army next moved into (what is now France) but the army was stopped by a Christian army near the city of Tours. -
14.3 - China - neo-Confucianism begins.
During and after the Song dyansty, neo-Confucianism was introduced as the new philosophy. “Neo” mean new. So new-Confucianism. It is also like Confucianism but neo-Confucianism was emphasized more on spiritual matters. -
14.4 - China - Genghis Khan’s rule begins.
Nomadic people who attacked the Chinese were mongols. Mongols have lived in north China as a separate tribe. Then, a leader united them. His name was Temujin. But after he became a leader he changed his name to Genghis Khan which meant universal ruler. -
13.3 - Ancient Africa - Sundiata conquering Ghana.
Sundiata ruled Mali and built up an army that won back the country’s independence . After that he started to conquer nearby kingdoms including Ghana . After he conquered Ghana he took over the salt and gold trades. He also improved the agriculture in Mali. -
14.2 - China - agriculture of China advances.
Chinese civilization had always been based on agriculture. As time went by they kept becoming experts at farming. In the Song Dynasty the farming reached a new level. With new irrigation techniques, they got more crops in an easier way. -
15.2 - Ancient Japan - the noh plays arrive.
Performing arts was popular in Japan Turing the Heian period. In later centuries, these types of performances became a more serious form of drama called the noh. It was a merge of music, speaking and dance. These plays often tell about the great heroes or figures from Japan. -
13.4 - Ancient Africa - Ibn Buttah travels through the region
Ibn Battutah was the most famous visitor who was Muslim to write about west Africa. He traveled through the region and describes the political and cultural lives of West Africans in a lot of detail in his account. -
15.3 - Ancient Japan - shoguns lost of authority begins.
By 1400s the shoguns have lost most of their authority. The emperor was still hugely powerless and daimyo ruled much of Japan. Each daimyo controlled it’s own territory of Japan. Within its territory they made their own laws and collected taxes. There was no more powerful central authorities in Japan . -
16.3 - Inca empire - pachacuti expands empire.
In as began a small tribe in the Andes. Their capital was Cuzco which is modern day Peru. Pachacuti began to expand the empire later on. Leaders followed his example and then the Inca empire was huge . It stretched from modern Ecuador to central Chile and included coastal deserts , snowy mountains , fertile valleys and thick forests. Approx 12 million people lived in the empire . -
16.2 - Aztec empire - Cortes conquers the Aztecs.
One group of conquistadors was led by Hernan Cortes. They were seeking adventure, riches, claiming land and convents to Catholicism. -
12.4 - Ancient Arabia - The spread of the medical encyclopedia
A doctor known in the West as Avicenna wrote a medical encyclopedia that was used throughout Europe and is one of the most famous books in the history of medicines. -
Modern Event - Chapter 12 - Maps
Around the 1300's, Muslim geographers made more accurate maps than the ones before and made better ways for calculating distance. This helped more travelers. -
Modern Day - Chapter 13 - Dance
Dance is used for alot of things in the African society. They use it to celebrate events. Today we also have dance in for literally anything...LOL -
Modern day event - Chapter 14 - Compass
The Chinese invented a compass using a magnetic spoon and plate under it. This was invented no later than the Han period. When the Tang came by they improved it and today sailors and merchants use the compass to travel. -
Modern day event - chapter 15 - fans
The Japanese made these appear fans to go with their outfits and to help them not be hot. The fans were painted with flowers, trees, and birds. Many noble people attached flowers and long silk cords to the end of their fans. Today we also have these fans that are used to not keep us hot when we’re watching a soccer game in the hot weather. Lol -
Modern day event - chapte 16 - Zero
The Maya’s were skilled mathematicians . They created a number system that helped them make complex calculations , and were the first people with a symbol of zero. Today we have the number zero .