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1450 C.E. -1750 C.E. Timeline

By Katsper
  • Period: Nov 20, 1240 to Nov 20, 1480

    Russian Empire: Mongol Rule

    Mongol Khanate had ruled the Russians and their neighbors.
  • Period: Apr 8, 1394 to Aug 10, 1460

    Prince Henry the Navigator

    • He led the attack on Ceuta, the third son of the king of Portugal.
    • Oversaw the collection of new geographical information from sailors and travelers and sent out ships to explore the Atlantic.
  • Apr 29, 1434

    The Navigator: Africa

    The Navigator: Africa
    He sailed into Africa in one his voyages that included slave trade and gold expeditions. Henry wanted to spread Christianity in Africa, make contact with Christian rulers in Africa, and launch crusades.
    o In result of his voyage to Africa, faster routes to Asia were found.
    o He sent expeditions and opened schools of navigation in their Coasts
  • Jul 5, 1440

    Prince Henry: Frist Finance

    Prince Henry: Frist Finance
    The first financial return from the voyages came from selling into slavery African captured by the Portuguese in raids on the northwest coast of Africa and the Canary Islands.
  • Aug 23, 1453

    Reign of Mehmed the Conqueror

    Reign of Mehmed the Conqueror
    Sultan Mehmed II laid siege to Constantinople, using enormous cannon to bash in the city’s walls, dragging warships over a high hill from Bosporus strait to the city’s inner harbor to avoid its sea defenses. The fall of Constantinople brought over eleven years of Byzantine rule to an end and made the Ottomans seem invincible.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1453 to Nov 20, 1502

    Ottoman Empire

    The Ottoman Empire fought the opening rounds of a two-century war with Venice, the most powerful of Italy’s commercial city-states.
  • Nov 20, 1457

    Beginning of Portuguese Slave Trade

    Beginning of Portuguese Slave Trade
    Prince Henry went to Africa for new trade routes, then estabishing a new school for navigation in Africa. After leaving Africa, he went into the Indian Ocean toward India.
    While there, he had brought African slaves as a source of workers that did the manual labor.
    Later on, seeing the progress that the slaves have gained for them, traders transported the slaves into the Columbian exchange to help with the sugar planations.
  • Period: Nov 10, 1483 to Feb 18, 1546

    Martin Luther

    A young professor of sacred scripture that objected to the way the new indulgence was preached.
  • Mar 15, 1488

    Dias' voyage into Indian Ocean

    Dias' voyage into Indian Ocean
    He was the first Portuguese Explorer to round the southern tip of Africa and enter the Indian Ocean.
  • Nov 20, 1490

    Russian Empire: Asian Rule

    Russian Empire: Asian Rule
    Were under Asian rule
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus' Departure/ Funding Agreement

    Columbus' Departure/ Funding Agreement
    o They King and Queen agreed to fun d his voyage after such persistence from Columbus. They agreed to fund a modest expedition. Their elation at expelling the Muslim from Granada may have put them in a favorable mood.
    o They departed toward the regions of India to discover and acquire certain islands and maintain in the Ocean Sea.
  • Period: Aug 3, 1492 to Nov 17, 1502

    Colubus' First Voyage

    Between his four voyages, he established the existence of a vast new world across the Atlantic.
    o Yet he didn’t know that. He had refused to accept that he had found unknown continents and peoples, insisting that he had succeeded in his goal of finding a shorter route to the Indian Ocean than the one the Portuguese had found.
  • Oct 2, 1492

    Columbus' "Indians"

    Columbus' "Indians"
    They reached the Islands of the Caribbean.
    o He insisted in calling the inhabitants “Indians” because he believed that the islands were part of the East Indies.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1502 to

    Safavid Empire

    Resembled its longtime Ottoman foe in many ways: it initially use land grants to support its all-important cavalry, its population spoke several languages, it focused on land rather than sea power, and urban notables. Iranian kingdom established by Ismail Safavi, who who declared Iran a Shi’ite state.
  • Period: Aug 13, 1509 to Aug 13, 1564

    John Calvin

    A well-educated Frenchman, who turned from the study of law to theology after experiencing a religious conversion, became a highly influential Protestant leader.
  • May 29, 1516

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    The transfer of peoples, animals, plants, and diseases between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus’s voyages. The European invasion and settlement of the Western Hemisphere opened a long term era of biological and technological transfers that altered American environments.
    Old world diseases that entered the Americas with European immigrants and African slaves devastated indigenous populations.
  • Feb 16, 1519

    Martin Luther: Papal Bull

    Martin Luther: Papal Bull
    A papal representative led Luther into open disagreement with some church doctrines, for which the papacy condemned him. Blocked in his effort to reform the church from within, Luther burned the papal bull of condemnation, rejecting the pope’s authority and beginning the Protestant Reformation.
  • Nov 14, 1520


    The Aztec Emperor, city of Tenochtitlan.
    • He sent a messengers to greet Cortes and determined whether he was god or man, friend or foe.
    • He found himself to be a prisoner in his own palace. The Spanish took his treasury and melted down its golden objects.
    • In battle, he died.
  • Period: Nov 16, 1520 to Nov 23, 1566

    Reign of Suleiman the Magnificent

    The son of Selim I.Known to his subjects as the Suleiman Kanuni, “Lawgiver”. Ottoman historians looked back on Suleiman’s reign as a golden age when the imperial system worked to perfection.
  • Aug 23, 1521

    Suleiman: Belgrade

    Suleiman: Belgrade
    Suleiman seemed unstoppable as he conquered Belgrade.
  • Dec 12, 1522

    Suleiman: Hospital of St. John

    Suleiman: Hospital of St. John
    Expelled the Knights of the Hospital of St. John from the island of Rhodes.
  • Apr 23, 1526

    Mughal Dynasty: Babur

    Mughal Dynasty: Babur
    Babur defeated the last Muslim sultan of Delhi at the Battle of Paint. Even though this victory marked the birth do a brilliant and powerful state in India, Babur’s descendants continued to think of Central Asia as their home.
  • Period: Nov 16, 1526 to

    Mughal Dynasty

    Muslim state exercising dominion over most of India in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Babur the founder of the Mughal Empire. The Timurids were of Turkic rather than Mongol origins. The Ottomans did not enjoy the political legitimacy that came with Genghisid descent experienced by lesser rulers in Central Asia and in the Crimea north of the Black Sea.
  • May 5, 1529

    Suleiman: Vienna

    Suleiman: Vienna
    Laid siege to Vienna.
  • Apr 13, 1535

    John Calvin: The Institutes of the Christian Religion

    John Calvin: The Institutes of the Christian Religion
    He published The Institutes of the Christian Religion, a masterful synthesis of Christian teachings.
    o Traditional medieval theology
    o Teachings: they differed from Roman Catholic and Lutherans
     Agrees with Luther’s emphasis on faith over works, he denied that even human faith could merit salvation.
     Went farther than Luther in curtailing the power of a clerical hierarchy and simplifying religious rituals.
  • Period: May 13, 1543 to

    Tokugawa Shogunate: Tokugawa Ieyasu

    Tokugawa Ieyasu, A new shogun had gained the upper hand in the conflict and established a new military government known as the Tokugawa Shogunate. The shoguns created a new administrative capital at dEo. Trade along the well-maintained road between Edo and the imperial capital of Kyoto helped develop the Japanese economy.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1556 to

    Reign of Akbar

    Babur’s Grandson, a brilliant but Mercurial man whose illiteracy betrayed his upbringing in the wilds of Afghanistan, established the central administration of the expanded state. Pursued a policy do conciliation with Hindus. He granted land revenues to military officers and government officials in return for their service. India under Akbar enjoyed great prosperity in the sixteenth century. Akbar and his successors faced few external threats and experienced generally peaceful conditions.
  • Period: Nov 13, 1564 to

    Galileo Galilei

    • Italian
    • (1564-1642)
  • Songhai Empire

    Songhai Empire
    Songhai Empire of West Africa was pushing its dominion into the Sahara from the south, drawing its wealth from the trans-Saharan trade, ruled by a native Muslim dynasty. Songhai rulers faced a challenge from the kingdom of Morocco.Their army of 40,000 cavalry and foot soldiers faced the survivors, but couldn’t withstand the Moroccans’ 2,500 muskets. Morocco captured slaves and goods from the population, collecting tolls from passing merchants. The wreckage weakened the trans-Saharan trade in Sud
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Shogunate

  • Tokugawa Shogunate: New Centralized Government

    Tokugawa Shogunate: New Centralized Government
    uAfter Hideyoshi’s demise, Japanese leaders brought the civil wars to an end, and they established a more centralized government. It gave Japan more political unity than the islands had seen in centuries, the regional lords, daimayo, still had a great deal of power.
  • Galileo: Telescope

    Galileo: Telescope
    He built a telescope through which he took a closer look at the heavens.
    o He was able to magnify distant objects thirty times beyond the power of the naked eye, he saw that heavenly bodies were not perfectly smooth spheres of Aristotelians.
  • Galileo: The Starry Messenger

    Galileo: The Starry Messenger
    He reported in The Starry Messenger that the moon had mountains and valleys; the sun had spots; other planets had their own moons.

    o It presented that the earth was not alone in being heavy and changeable.
  • Galileo: Index of Forbidden Books

    Galileo: Index of Forbidden Books
    Some Jesuits and other critics got his ideas condemned by the Roman Inquisition, putting The Starry Messenger on the Index of Forbidden Books.
    o It prohibited Galileo from publishing further on the subject.
  • Period: to

    Thirty Years' War

    The Holy Roman Empire, France, England, European states engaged in numerous worldwide conflicts. Warfare was constant in early Europe. In hunt of power, monarchs used vast sums of money causing widespread hurt and death. The worst of the worldwide conflicts was the Thirty Years’ War. Results in long-term neglect and economic decline in much of the Holy Roman Empire. Yet the wars also shaped dramatic advance in the skill of European defenses and weapons that possibly made them the most powerful.
  • Period: to

    John Locke

    The English political philosopher
  • Period: to

    England's Glorious Revoluiton: The Outcome of The English Civil War

    (1642-1649)- English Civil WarA conflict over royal versus. Parliamentary rights, caused by King Charles I’s arrest of his parliamentary critics and ending with his execution. Its outcome checked the growth of royal absolutism and, with the Glorious of 1688 and the English Bill of Rights 1689, ensured that England would be a constitutional monarchy.
  • Qing Dynasty

    Qing Dynasty
    With the emperor dead by his own hand and the imperial family in flight, a Ming general invited Manchu leaders to help his forces take Beijing from the rebels. Rather than restoring the Ming, they claimed China for their own and began a forty year conquest of the rest of the Ming territories. The Manchu had gained control of south China and incorporated the island of Taiwan into imperial China for the first time. They were the head of the new Qing Empire.
  • Period: to

    Peter the Great

    Made major changes to reduce Russia’s isolation and increase the empire’s size and power. Tsar Peter is remembered for his efforts to turn Russia away from its Asian cultural connections and toward what he deemed the civilization of the West.
  • John Locke: The Second Treatise of Civil Government

    John Locke: The Second Treatise of Civil Government
    1690: The Second Treatise of Civil Government disputed monarchial claims to absolute authority by divine right. He argued rulers derived their authority from consent of the governed and, like everyone else, were subjected to the law. That if monarchs overstepped the law citizens had not only the right but also the duty to rebel.
  • Russian Empire: Major Powers

    Russian Empire: Major Powers
    Russia became one of the major powers of Europe with armies capable of mounting challenges to its Asian and European neighbors.
  • Period: to

    Council of Trent

    A council that met at the city of Trent, in northern Italy, in three sessions between 1545 and 1563 painstakingly distinguished proper Catholic doctrines from Protestant “errors. The council also reaffirmed the supremacy of the pope and called for a number of reforms, including requiring each bishop to reside in his diocese to have a theological seminary to train priests.