World history Project.

  • Birth of Robespierre

    Birth of Robespierre
    Was born Arras, France
  • Estates-General of 1789

    Estates-General of 1789
    Robespierre attends the Estates-General which fuels that French Revolution to kick in.
  • Robespierre gaining power

    Robespierre gaining power
    After King Louis's death in 1793 January 21 Robespierre and his helpers decided to wipe out the calendar and switch it up so the people of France did not know when to pray.
  • Jacobin Leader

    Jacobin Leader
    In the early month of 1793, Robespierre became leader of Jacobin.
  • Leader of the Commitee of Public Safety

    Leader of the Commitee of Public Safety
    He controlled France as a dictator. His time of his rule was called the Reign of terror
  • Beginning Reign of Terror

    Beginning Reign of Terror
    The Committee of Public which was under Robespierre's leadership, the committee task was to protect the Revolution from its enemies. He then justified his use of terror by suggesting that it enabled French citizens to remain true to the ideals of the Revolution.
  • Republic of Virtue

    Republic of Virtue
    Robespierre and his supporters built the virtue by wiping out every trace of France's past. They then changed the calendar diving year into 12 months of 30 days. This calendar had no Sundays and closed all the churches in Paris, and cities and towns all over France soon did the same.
  • Death of George Danton

    Death of George Danton
    George didn't agree with the guillotine. Then Robespierre was saying that George is going against our government. Then he got executed by the guillotine.
  • Returns of National Convention

    Returns of National Convention
    Robespierre defends himself from political attack, implicates numerous "traitors" within the Convention but refuses to name names.
  • End of Terror

    End of Terror
    In July 1794, fearing for their own safety, some members of the National Convention turned on Robespierre. The Reign of Terror, the radical phase of the French Revolution, ended on July 28, 1794.