Calling of the Estates-General
The meeting of the Estates General was when the legislative branch of France was called together at the King's request. This would later dissolve when the first and second estates would not agree to changes requested by the third estate to add a constitution and to change the voting system. This led to the separation of the Third Estate from the rest of the nation. This action was against Enlightenment ideals because it opposed equality amongst the estates, causing the Third Estate to separate. -
The Tennis Court Oath
Locked out of their meeting area after declaring their emergence as the National Assembly, the Third Estates' delegates found an empty tennis court, where they vowed to continue to meet until they had produced a French constitution. This oath is known as the Tennis Court Oath. This act was pro-Enlightenment because it honors the citizens' half of the social contract by rebelling against the corrupt government, and was a step towards equality among the estates. -
The Storming of Bastille
A mob of Parisians stormed the Bastille, an armory and prison, in attempt to arm themselves due to foreign troops in Paris. At Bastille, the Parisians released its prisoners and dismantled it, brick by brick. This event is anti-Enlightenment because it promotes the raiding of cities and ensuing panic, not to mention that people were killed, which goes against the Enlightenment ideal of natural rights, which claimed, above all, that everyone had the right to live. -
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The Great Fear
The time period in which peasant rebellions took place throughout France were known as the Great Fear. Citizens formed militias as a result of the fear of invasion of foreign troops. People in surrounding areas demanded cheaper bread. Civil unrest grew in the countryside, with many peasants attacking manor homes. Hysteria spread across the country. This event is also anti-Enlightenment because panic and fear was spread across the nation due to fear of foreign invasion. -
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
France’s National Constituent Assembly Formed a fundamental document called “The Declaration of the Rights of Man”. The Declaration of the rights of man was made to produce the simple factors, Rights of human. Also for the republic. -
Olympe de Gouges writes the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Female Citizen
After the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was written, Olympe de Gouges questioned why women were not included. She refused to accept this exclusion, and instead penned the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Female Citizen. This was in line with Enlightenment ideals because it furthered the movement for women’s rights. -
The Creation of a Republic
The formation of a republic officially occurred as the first order of business in the National Convention. This demonstrated the fulfillment of the Social Contract theory put into action. The people had overturned an unjust government in the form of the French monarchy, which was in line with Enlightenment ideals. -
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The Committee for Public Safety took control
While initially the Committee of Public Safety was created to protect France from threats, it became a dictatorial power. It went against Enlightenment ideas of the formation of a republic. The Committee on Public Safety set in motion the Reign of Terror, and justified mass killings for the sake of “protecting the country” long past any legitimate killings were carried out. -
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The Reign of Terror
The Reign of terror occurred when the Committee of Public Safety engaged in the authorization of the mass killing of the citizens of France. This was on the grounds of eliminating threats. This went against the Enlightenment idea of the natural right to life. -
March on Versailles
Angry women marched to Versailles with broomsticks, lances, pitchforks, swords, pistols, and muskets. The women met with Louis XVI and described how their children were starving due to lack of bread. They forced the king to accept decrees that abolished feudalism and accept the Declaration of Rights. This event is anti-Enlightenment because it uses violence and force instead of knowledge and reason to get done what needed to be done. -
Peace with th eCatholic Church
The Catholic church was the main religion and held most of the first estate and power and wealth within France besides the king. The 2nd and 3rd Estates went against the Church's power and authority. They managed to strip the Catholic church of its power during the French Revolution and eradicate the church's presence from France. When Napoleon entered as a emperor he made peace with the church. Which reestablished the presents of the Catholic church to France as the main religion once again. -
Creation of the Napoleonic Code/Civil Code
After Napoleon taken the crown as an emperor. Napoleon made a code called “Napoleonic code/Civil code” which was a basic law set. The law set was more favorable towards the Enlightenment ideas. It inquired equal rights for the rich and the poor, and equal treatment of both groups. It also inquired less rights for women too have in France.