Period: 7000 BCE to 1000 BCE
Fertile Crescent- Early Mesopotamians
This includes the following groups Babylonians, Hittites, Sumerians, Chaldeans, Phoenicians, and Assyrians -
Period: 4500 BCE to 350
Ancient Egypt and Kush
Geography and Ancient Egypt, the Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom and New Kingdoms, Egyptian Achievements, Ancient Kush -
4000 BCE
Mesopotamia- The appearance of cities
Over time,Mesopotamian settlements grew in size and complexity. They gradually grew in size and soon developed into cities. -
3300 BCE
Egyptian Achievements- Writing in Ancient Egypt
The earliest known examples of Egyptian writing are from around 3300 BC.These early Egyptian writings were ussually carved on to stone or other hard materials. -
3100 BCE
Geography and Ancient Egypt- Kings unify Egypt
A leader called Menes rose to power in Upper Egypt. He wanted to finish what an earlier king called Scorpion started and that was to unify Upper and Lower Egypt. -
3000 BCE
Sumer - Advanced Society
Several hundred thousand Sumeraians settled into Mesopotamia, in a land they called Sumer. In Sumer thay created a advanced society. -
2500 BCE
Old Kingdom- Rule by pharaohs
The most famous pharaoh of the Old Kingdom was Khufu. Khufu is best known for the monuments built to him. -
Period: 2300 BCE to 320
Ancient India
Geography and Early India, Origins of Hinduism, Origins of Buddhism, Indian Empires, Indian Achievements, -
2050 BCE
Middle Kingdom
A powerful pharaoh named Mentuhotep II defeated his rivals. Once again all of Egypt was united -
2050 BCE
The Middle Kingdom
A powerful pharaoh named Mentuhotep II defeated his rivals. Once again all of Egypt was united. His rule started in the Middle Kingdom. -
2000 BCE
Sumerian Achievements- Epic of Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh was first carved on stone tablets. -
2000 BCE
Early India - Arrival and spread
Historians and archaeologists believe that the Aryans crossed into India through mountain passes in the northwest. Over many centuries they spread east and west into central India -
1792 BCE
People of the Fertile Crescent- The Rise of Babylon
Hammurabi became Baylon's king, and would become the city's greatest monarch. -
1500 BCE
Ancient Kush - Egypt's conquest of Kush
A pharaoh named Thutmose I sent an army to take over Kush. Thutmose I army took over all of Nubia north of The Fifth Cataract. This is how Kush became part of Egypt. -
599 BCE
Is based on the teachings of a man named Mahavira. Mahavira was raised as a Hindu. His teaching is based on four basic principles/ rules: injure no life, tell the truth, don't steal, and own no property. -
500 BCE
Siddhartha's search for wisdom
A man was dissatisfied with the teachings of Hinduism. He began to ask questions about life and religious matters. He soon found answers. These answers eventually attracted many followers and it became a major new religion in India. -
Mathematics and Science
Around AD 100s, doctors were writing their knowledge down in textbooks. Among the skills this book described is making medicine from plants and animals. -
Mauryan Empire Unifies Egypt
A military leader named Candragupta Maurya seized control of the entire northern part of India. By doing this he found the Mauryan Empire. Mauryan rule lasted for about 150 years. -
Modern event- Malaysia- laws
Our modern laws were inspired by Hammurabi code