World History: Illustrated Timeline

  • Hobbes Published Leviathan

    This written piece argues that civil peace and social unity are best achieved by establishing commonwealth, or living by the laws of nature. It outlined a perfect government with the politics having absolute control and authority.
  • Locke publishes Two Treatises on Government

    Locke believed that everyone has a right to govern themselves and make their own choices. His philosophy made it into the US Constitution and many other documents that uphold the rights of citizens.
  • Montesquieu publishes The Spirit of the Laws

    Montesquieu's writings focused on analyzing different government institutions, giving pros and cons, while stating different suggestions and reprimands. It became a primary source for the US Constitution and largely influenced democratic Europe.
  • Rousseau publishes The Social Contract

    This work stated that modern states repressed physical freedom and the rights you get when you are born. It also says that contracts are the only way of ensuring a fair solution. Rousseau opened the doors for democracy and voting.
  • Beccaria publishes On Crimes and Punishments

    He stated that punishments should be equal to the crime committed, which created basic laws and ideas that saved many lives and kept torture and unruly punishments out of option.
  • Meeting of the Estates General

    This was a meeting to discuss what was unfair between estates, or social classes. This event led to the creation of France's National Assembly, which is a huge factor in the whole French Revolution.
  • Gens de Colour Demand Equal Rights from France

    "Men of Color" known as slaves demanded France to provide them with the same rights as whites, leading to another rebellion. The race discrimination caused many more issues in the future.
  • Storming of Bastille

    A major French military armory was stampeded and robbed by protestors trying to gain power in the revolution. This caused the French authority to step up and improve their tactics.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen

    Human and civil rights, at least the fundamentals, were passed by France's National Assembly. This document promised new rights and freedoms to the people.
  • March on Versailles

    7000 working women marched in pouring rain from Paris to the palace of Versailles to protest women's rights. Their scheme proved to be kind of successful by getting their purpose spread around.
  • The Colony of Saint Domingue is Abolished

    Slaves began waging a rebellion against the French authority, which ended up breaking slavery in the colony, evidently freed thousands of natives.
  • The French National Assembly Granted Free Blacks Full French Rights in Saint Domingue

    French Authority was rebelled against by slaves in the colony. This led to the freeing of thousands of natives and rights given.
  • Beheading of King Louis XIV

    King Louis XIV refused to give the people of France what they needed, which led to his execution. This left France with no ruling king, which allowed Napolean to take power.
  • Reign of Terror

    Robespierre executed an estimated 40000 people based upon their political opinions. Anyone who mentioned the king in a negative way was killed. Robespierre was executed after a year of repressing people.
  • French Forces Admit Defeat to the Slave Armies and Evacuate their Forces

    This event led to the loss of as many as 50000 French men losing their lives battling to keep control over Haiti. The evacuation led to the granted freedom of Haiti from France.
  • Napoleon is Emperor

    Napoleon crowned himself as ruler after conquering many lands for France. His ruling caused many issue, leading to his exile in 1813