Civilizations world map

World History Fifth Hour 2016

  • 3300 BCE


    Location: current day Iraq and Kuwait
    Government: city-states with monarchy
    Religion: polytheistic/Judaism
    Social Class: upper class, middle class, and slaves
    Economy: farming and trade
    Writing System: Cuneiform
  • 2500 BCE

    Indus River Valley

    Indus River Valley
    Location: India and Pakistan
    Government: theocracy (priests as leaders)
    Religion: Hinduism and Buddhism
    Social Classes: caste system - priests, king, merchants, commoners, untouchables
    Economy: farming and trade
    Writing System: pictograph
  • 2000 BCE

    Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Egypt
    Location: present day Egypt
    Government: monarchy (pharaoh)
    Religion: polytheism
    Social Class: pharaoh, priests, merchants, farmers, workers
    Economy: farming, mining, trading
    Writing System: heiroglyphs
  • 2000 BCE

    Ancient China

    Ancient China
    Location: current day China
    Government: monarchy - emperors
    Religions: Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Legalism
    Social Class: emperors, lords, landowners, farmers, peasants, merchants
    Economy: farming and trade
    Writing System: pictographs
  • 1900 BCE

    End of Indus River Valley

    How did it end? Unknown
    Accomplishments: sewage systems, well planned out cities, weights, our number system, decimal system, geometry, Pi
    Interesting Facts: They used sun-dried bricks for their buildings.
  • 1100 BCE

    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece
    Location: Greece, Asia, Egypt
    Government: city-states; oligarchy, tyranny, democracy
    Religion: Polytheism
    Social Class: citizens, women, outsiders, slaves
    Economy: trade, mining, farming, and fishing
    Writing System: alphabet
  • 753 BCE

    Roman Empire

    Roman Empire
    Location: Europe, Asia, and North Africa
    Government: was a republic but because of corruption they switched to an empire
    Religions: polytheism, Christianity
    Social Class: Patricians, Plebeian, and slaves
    Economy: farming, mining, trading, and fishing
    Writing System: alphabet
  • 333 BCE

    End of Mesoptamia

    How did it end? Conquered by Alexander the Great
    Accomplishments: base 60 number system, mathematics, scale, wheel, irrigation, medicine, astronomy, calendar, temple
  • 332 BCE

    End of Ancient Egypt

    How did it end? conquered by Alexander the Great
    Accomplishments: papyrus, yeast bread, linen cloth, sails, mathematics, small surgeries
    Interesting Facts: They mummified people.
    They build massive pyramids.
  • 320 BCE


    Location: South Mexico, Belize, Guatamala, Honduras
    Government: city-states - monarchy
    Religion: polytheistic; human sacrifices
    Social Class: king, priests, nobles,merchants, commoners/peasants. slaves
    Economy: farming, trade, mining
    Writing System: pictograph
  • 300 BCE

    Ancient Japan

    Ancient Japan
    Location: Japan
    Government: monarchy and feudalism
    Religions: Buddhism and Shintoism
    Social Classes: emperor, shoguns, daimyo, samurai, peasants, merchants
    Economy: farming, fishing, and trade
    Writing System: pictographs
  • 146 BCE

    End of Ancient Greece

    How did it end? Conquered by Rome
    Accomplishments: science, mathematics, steam engine, water mill, odometer, alarm clock, medicines, robotics, scientific approach, cartography, modern science, crane, and philosophy
    Interesting Facts: They have a form of the alphabet.
    They created robotics.
    They built out of wood and marble.
  • 1 BCE

    Birth of Jesus Christ

    Birth of Jesus Christ
    Beginning of:
    A.D. - Anno Domini "The Year of Our Lord"
    C.E. - Common Era
  • 300

    Ancient African Empires

    Ancient African Empires
    Location: West Africa
    Government: monarchy
    Social Class: caste system
    Religion: animism, Islam, Christianity
    Writing System: none - Arabic
  • 475

    End of Roman Empire

    How did it end? Barbarians
    Accomplishments: republic, engineering, acting, (Julian) calendar, literature, architecture, constitution
    Interesting Facts: The Roman Colosseum was the biggest theater of its time.
    The legionnaire would throw a spear.
  • 476

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    Location: Europe
    Government: monarchy - feudalism
    Religion: Christianity
    Social Class: kings, barons, knights, peasants
    Economy: farming and trade
  • Dec 24, 900

    End of Maya

    How did it end? Unknown
    Accomplishments: astronomy/calendar, zero, dominoes
    Interesting Facts: The Mayans thought that crossed eyes and a slanted head was attractive
  • Dec 24, 1100


    Location: Central Mexico
    Government: monarchy
    Religion: polytheism - human sacrifices
    Social Class: kings/priests, nobles, merchants, commoners/peasants, slaves
    Economy: farming, trade, and mining
    Writing System: pictograph
  • Dec 24, 1200


    Location: West Coast of South America
    Government: monarchy
    Religion: polytheism with human sacrifices
    Social Class: caste system - kings, nobles, merchants, commoners/peasants
    Economy: farming, mining, trade
    Writing System: no written language - Quipu for record keeping
  • Dec 24, 1500

    End of Middle Ages

    End of Middle Ages
    How did they end? Renaissance
    Accomplishments: plow, armor, printing press, eyeglasses, spinning wheel, long bow, weapons using gunpowder, nursery rhymes/fairytales
  • Dec 24, 1521

    End of Aztec

    How did it end? Defeated by Cortes
    Accomplishments: mandatory education, floating gardens, chocolate, and popcorn
  • Dec 24, 1532

    End of Inca

    How did it end? Fransisco Pizarro conquered
    Accomplishments: super highways, terrace farming
    Interesting Facts: Largest civilization to live in the Americas
  • End of African Empires

    End of African Empires
    How did they end? European Colonization
    Accomplishments: gold trade, metallurgy, libraries, farming practices, bronze artwork, conquests, astronomy, universities, Islamic schools, navigation, salt mining
    Interesting facts: second largest desert in the world; considered the wealthiest civilizations in the world because of all of the gold
  • End of Ancient China

    End of Ancient China
    How did it end? Didn't - evolved into the country it is today
    Accomplishments: yo-yo, silk, soccer, paper money, kites, water-proof clothing, windmills, umbrella
    Interesting Facts: made houses out of wood, mud, bricks, and paper;
    Fireworks came from China;
    Did you know fortune cookies are not from China but from California
  • End of Ancient Japan

    How did it end? no end, still thriving
    Accomplishments: origami, armor, sword making, haiku, ink, art, pottery, and angling
    Interesting Facts: They invented origami, haiku, and ink.