Oct 1, 1347
Black death begins in Europe
The black death was a disease that killed 1/3 of the population. The black death came from Asia to Italy through merchant ships.The disease started in October of 1347. -
Jan 1, 1400
The Renaissance begins!
The Renaissance was a time of discovery and studies of many things. The renaissance had some of the most amazing inventors,painters, and many more. The renaissance means "Rebirth". -
Jan 1, 1440
Johannes Gutenberg-Printing press
Johannes Gutenburg invented the printing press which made things a whole lot better for everyone. the printing press was created around 1440 or 1450. Due to the printing press being invented, many people had their hands on the bible and figured a lot of things about the church, and its misdeeds. -
Jan 1, 1492
1st Voyage of Columbus
Christopher Columbus was an explorer who wanted to sail west to india not east. He that there was nothing but ocean so he can get there just by going west. Christopher Columbus died May 20, 1506 -
Jul 8, 1497
Da Gama lands in India
Da Gama was one of the first people who went to india under neath Africa and successfully went there and established trade groups. He came back to India multiple times and was regarded as a hero for his travels. Sadly he died on December 24 1524. -
Jan 1, 1506
Da Vinci Paints the "Mona Lisa"!
Da Vinci one of the most famous renaissance men was a great painter and inventor In 1503 to 1506 he painted one of his most famous pieces yet the Mona Lisa. To this day its still the most famous pictures out there. -
Jan 1, 1507
Naming of the "new world"
the name of america was from an navigator Amerigo Vespucci. Vespucci said that the new world was not part of Asia it was an entirely new continent. Vespucci died on February 22, 1512 -
Jan 1, 1512
Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo was a famous sculptor and artist of the renaissance. he was ordered by the pope to paint his chapel. The paintings were done in 1512. -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther Posts His 95 Theses
Martin luther was the one responsible for saying faith is the way to god not indulgences. He posted his 95 theses explaining his ways. He was later the person whoo made Lutheranism. -
Jan 1, 1519
Magellan Starts His "Around the World Trip"
Magellan was the "first' person to circumnavigate the world. He tried to find a rout to Asia through the new world but failed. He died on April 27,1521. -
Jan 1, 1532
Pizzaro invades the inca empire
Francisco Pizzaro was a Spanish conquistador who destroyed the Incan empire . He was trying to convert the empire to christianity but they did not so Pizzaro invaded the Incan empire. -
Sep 7, 1533
Elizabeth becaomes queen of England
Unlike her murderous sister Mary she was very influential. Elizabeth re-established the church of England opposed of catholicism. She died on March 24 1603. -
Jan 1, 1534
Henry VIII founds Anglican Church
Henry VIII was primarily catholic and followed what ever the pope said. He married a woman and after a while he wanted to divorce her because she wasn't all that. Henry couldn't do that so he said im done with the pope and mad a new church and divorced his many wives. -
Jan 1, 1545
Council of Trent
it was supposed to combat the reformation with a counter-reformation. the council as part of the catholic church. The council of Trent was started in 1545. -
Jamestown, Colony in Virginia,Founded
Jamestown was the first successful colony to colonize part of America. The colony was the first British colony In America. The colony was founded in 1607. -
Slave Trade Across the Atlantic
the slave trade started when the natives weren't good enough for the land anymore. The natives didn't convert and were very stubborn plus we didn't treat them well. So they decided to use African slaves instead.