World History 2 - 1st 9 weeks

  • 800 BCE

    The Songhai Empire was established in Africa

    The Songhai Empire was established in Africa
  • 700 BCE

    Mohammad founded the Islamic religion

    Mohammad founded the Islamic religion
  • 139 BCE

    Silk routes emerged connecting trade between the Mediterranean Basin and Asia

    Silk routes emerged connecting trade between the Mediterranean Basin and Asia
  • 100 BCE

    Paper was invented by the Chinese

    Paper was invented by the Chinese
  • 26 BCE

    Jesus was the founder of the Christian religion

    Jesus was the founder of the Christian religion
  • 1350

    The Renaissance began in the Italian city-states and spread to Northern Europe

    The Renaissance began in the Italian city-states and spread to Northern Europe
  • 1384

    John Wycliffe argued the Bible was the highest religious authority – not the Pope

    John Wycliffe argued the Bible was the highest religious authority – not the Pope
  • 1415

    Jan Huss was burned at the stake for being a heretic

     Jan Huss was burned at the stake for being a heretic
  • 1481

    The Ottoman Empire spread to Africa, the Middle East and Southern Europe

    The Ottoman Empire spread to Africa, the Middle East and Southern Europe
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus reached the Americas

    Christopher Columbus reached the Americas
  • 1498

    Leonardo da Vinci painted the Last Supper

    Leonardo da Vinci painted the Last Supper
  • 1498

    Vaso da Gama sailed around the southern tip of Africa en route to India

    Vaso da Gama sailed around the southern tip of Africa en route to India
  • 1499

    Michelangelo sculpted the Pieta

    Michelangelo sculpted the Pieta
  • 1500

    Erasmus spread the idea of “humanism"

    Erasmus spread the idea of “humanism"
  • 1503

    Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa

    Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa
  • 1504

    Michelangelo sculpted the statue of David

    Michelangelo sculpted the statue of David
  • 1512

    Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
  • 1517

    Martin Luther nailed 95 theses

    Martin Luther nailed 95 theses
  • 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan’s crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe

    Ferdinand Magellan’s crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe
  • 1521

    Pope Leo X excommunicated Martin Luther

    Pope Leo X excommunicated Martin Luther
  • 1521

    Hernan Cortez defeated the Aztecs

    Hernan Cortez defeated the Aztecs
  • 1526

    The Mughal Empire began in Northern India

     The Mughal Empire began in Northern India
  • 1533

    Francisco Pizarro defeated the Incas

    Francisco Pizarro defeated the Incas
  • 1534

    Henry VIII broke from the Church in Rome and divorced his wife

    Henry VIII broke from the Church in Rome and divorced his wife
  • 1534

    Henry VIII became the head of the Anglican Church

    Henry VIII became the head of the Anglican Church
  • 1534

    The Jesuit Order spread the Catholic faith

    The Jesuit Order spread the Catholic faith
  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier sailed the St. Lawrence River and discovered Montreal

    Jacques Cartier sailed the St. Lawrence River and discovered Montreal
  • 1539

    John Calvin developed the idea of predestination

    John Calvin developed the idea of predestination
  • 1540

    The Hapsburg family was the most powerful family in Europe

    The Hapsburg family was the most powerful family in Europe
  • 1545

    Catholic leaders met at the Council of Trent

    Catholic leaders met at the Council of Trent
  • 1560

    The Inquisition was used to reinforce Catholic doctrine

    The Inquisition was used to reinforce Catholic doctrine
  • 1577

    Elizabeth I sponsored Sir Francis Drake’s exploration to the New World

    Elizabeth I sponsored Sir Francis Drake’s exploration to the New World
  • 1577

    Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the globe

     Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the globe
  • Queen Elizabeth I defeated Philip II’s Spanish Armada

    Queen Elizabeth I defeated Philip II’s Spanish Armada
  • Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes

    Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes
  • Cardinal Richelieu got France involved in the Thirty Years’ War

    Cardinal Richelieu got France involved in the Thirty Years’ War