Period: 10,000 BCE to 500 BCE
Mespotamia-Early Mestpotamia
This includes people groups:
Hitties, babylonains, Kassities, Chaldoens, Phoniceans, Akkadians, Assyians, Summerians -
7000 BCE
Geography of the Fertile Cresent
The tigress and Euphrates rivers started some of worlds first civilizations. The southwest Asia rivers helped growth of civalization. Farming led to cities growing bigger -
4500 BCE
Geography in Ancient Egypt
The water in the nile provided Fertile soil which made a large civilization and great. -
Period: 4500 BCE to 350
Ancient Egypt and Kush
There were two civalizations that were made on the Nile river Egypt and Kush. There was an old kingdom, new kingdom and new kingdom. -
4000 BCE
Summerians Achievements
Summerians were very advanced people. They lived in a more advanced society. They invented the first way of writing. There advances changed summerian life. Art developed in summer. -
3300 BCE
Egyptian Achievements
The Egyptians were very advanced with there art, literature, and architecture. Egyptians made there own writing system of pictures as words called hieroglyphics. Temples in Egypt were very elaborate because Egyptians were very advanced in there architecture. They also had pieces of art to go in the temple. -
3000 BCE
The city of Sumer Rises.
The summerians made the very first civilization in Mesopotamia. Summerians made the worlds first advanced society. Religion was very important in society in summer. -
2700 BCE
The old kingdom
Egyptian government and religion were very closely related in the old kingdom. In early Egyptian society Pharohs were like god. Religion shaped the society -
2300 BCE
Ancient Kush
Just south of Egypt a new kingdom developed in a city called Nubia they were the kingdom of Kush. They were a very advanced civilization that started a very big trading network in Egypt -
2300 BCE
Geography and Early India
The first Indian civilization devolved on the Indus river. India's geography has lots of mountains and heavy seasonal rains. The Harapans made there civilization on the Indus river too. The Aryans migrated to india and changed civilization. -
Period: 2300 BCE to 320
Ancient India
There were two major civilizations in India the Harapan and Aryan. It was also the starting place to Hinduism and Buddhism. -
2200 BCE
Middle and New kingdoms
During the middle and new kingdom time Egypt's good times were restored. The middle kingdom time had a very sturdy government. Trade in Egypt and power in the military reached greatness -
1800 BCE
Later people of fertile crescent
Many cultures ruled over the land of the Fertile Crescent after the summerians. Babylonians conquered Mesopotamia. They created new laws. Invasions of Mesopotamia changed culture. The Phoniceans built a trading system -
1250 BCE
Origins of Hinduism
Hinduism originated from ancient beliefs in India, brought by the Aryans and mixed with cultures in India. The Aryans are credited with the rigid social structure that Hinduism uses. The religion of the Aryans (Brahmanism) influenced Hinduism. Some groups reacted to Hinduism by forming their own religions. -
536 BCE
Origins of Buddhism
A major religion which came out of India is Buddhism. It was founded by Siddharta Gautama and his quest for wisdom. Buddhist teachings emphasis reaching nirvana/peace by losing desire. It spread to China, Korea and Japan. -
320 BCE
Indian Empires
The two great empires of India were the Gupta and Mauryan Empires. The Mauryan Empire was the first government to bring India under one ruler. The Gupta emperors was known for its focus on Hinduism and culture. -
300 BCE
Indian Achievements
The Gupta Empire was a time of great achievements in India: Arts and Science. Artists in India were famous for their religious art work, literature in Sanskrit, scientific advances in metallurgy and medicine. -
Modern day Laws
Our Modern day laws in Malaysia relate to Hamurabis code the first set of -
Modern Day: The process of rebirth
Religions in modern day still beileve in the process of rebirth. -
Modern Day: Buddhism
Buddhism is still one of the most major religions in our modern world. Most of Siddhartha Guatemala's teachings are still followed today by modern world humans.