World History According to Jake

  • 1 BCE

    3.2 million B.C.

    Australopithecus afarenis (nicknamed “Lucy”) found in Ethiopia, 1974.
  • 2

    100,000 B.C.

    First modern Homo sapiens in South Africa.
  • 3

    35,000 B.C.

    Neanderthal man replaced by later groups of Homo sapiens
  • 4

    15,000 B.C.

    Migrations across Bering Straits into the Americas.
  • 5

    10,000 B.C.

    Semi-permanent settlements and agricultural developments in Fertile Crescent
  • 6

    3,500 B.C.

    First phonetic writing developed in Middle East.
    Wheel invented.
  • 6

    7,000 B.C.

    Archaic Period in North America. People built basic shelters and made stone weapons and stone tools.
  • 7

    2,680 B.C.

    Great Pyramid at Giza.
  • 8

    1,800 B.C.

    Twenty-four-character alphabet developed in Egypt.
  • 9

    900 B.C.

    Phoenicians establish Carthage in North Africa.
  • 9

    1,200 B.C.

    Iron Age begins in Africa.
  • 10

    753 B.C.

    Rome founded by Romulus.
  • 11

    215 B.C.

    Great Wall of China built.
  • 12

    A.D. 1

    Birth of Jesus Christ
  • 13

    A.D. 40

    Buddhism introduced to China during Han Dynasty
  • 14

    A.D. 250

    Classic period of Mayan civilization begins. Develop hieroglyphic writing, advances in art, architecture, science.
  • 15

    A.D. 320

    First Gupta dynasty in India
  • 16


    First year of the Muslim calendar.
  • 17

    A.D. 716

    Arab empire extends from Lisbon to China.
  • 18

    A.D. 855

    Russian nation founded by Vikings.
  • 19

    A.D. 1009

    Muslims destroy Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.
  • 20

    A.D. 1144

    Second Crusade begins.
  • 21

    A.D. 1211

    Genghis Khan invades China but can't conquer the south.
  • 21

    A.D. 1700

    Woodland culture begins in North America. (Mounds)
  • 22

    A.D. 1478

    Ferdinand and Isabella establish Spanish Inquisition.
  • 23

    A.D. 1259

    Kublai Khan governs China, becomes ruler of Mongols
  • 24

    A.D. 1312

    Mali Empire reaches its height in Africa under King Mansa Musa.
  • 25

    A.D. 1325

    The beginning of the Renaissance in Italy.
    Aztecs establish Tenochtitlán.
  • 26

    A.D. 1347

    Beginning of Bubonic Plague that killed around 25 million people.
  • 27

    A.D. 1368

    Ming Dynasty begins in China.
  • 28

    A.D. 1438

    Incan civilization in Peru.
  • 29

    A.D. 1453

    Turks conquer Constantinople, end of the Byzantine empire, beginning of the Ottoman empire.
  • 30

    A.D. 1462

    Ivan the Great rules Russia as first czar.
  • 31

    A.D. 1492

    Columbus "discovers" islands in the Caribbean.
  • 32

    A.D. 1497

    Vasco da Gama sails around Africa and discovers sea route to India.
  • 33

    A.D. 1501

    First black slaves in America brought to Spanish colony of Santo Domingo.
  • 34

    A.D. 1547

    Ivan IV (“the Terrible”) crowned czar of Russia
  • 35

    A.D. 1620

    Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock.
  • 36

    A.D. 1799

    Rosetta Stone discovered in Egypt.
  • 37

    A.D. 1819

    Simón Bolívar liberates New Granada.
  • 38

    A.D. 1861

    U.S. Civil War begins as attempts at compromise fail.
  • 39

    A.D. 1881

    First European colony established in Africa.
  • 40

    A.D. 1914

    Beginning of WWI
  • 41

    A.D. 1939

    Beginning of WWII.
  • 41

    A.D. 1920

    Womens Suffrage in U.S.
  • 42

    A.D. 1945

    Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    Decolonization begins in Africa.
  • 43

    A.D. 1950

    Communism established in China.
  • 44

    A.D. 1959

    Vietnam War Begins.
  • 45

    A.D. 1961

    South Africa becomes a republic.
  • 46

    A.D. 1981

    Aids virus discovered.
  • 47

    A.D. 2004

    Facebook started the Social Media revolution.