500 BCE
Lesson 13.1: West Africa, first Creation of Iron tools
They used iron tools for farming and other stuff. Iron helped farming a lot. -
Period: 500 BCE to
Chapter 13: Early African Civilizations
It is the second largest continent on earth. The have lots of gold but lack water. The Sahara desert is the largest desert in the world. Mali and other empires there got rich because of the gold and salt. -
Period: 500 BCE to 1537
Chapter 16: The Early Americas
The Mayans, Aztecs, Inca, and Conquistadors all ruled for some time. They all strong empires before the conquistadors came. Cortés conquered Aztecs and Pizarro conquered Inca empire. -
Chapter 14.1, China, Period of disunion begins
When the Han Dynasty collapsed, the period of disunion started. There was war and cultures mixed. -
Chapter 13.2: Ghana, Beginning of Soninke tribes.
The Soninke people are the first people of Africa. They began to form tribes and became the Ghana Empire. They banded together for protection. -
Ch 17.2, Europe, Death of Saint Patrick
Patrick was a monk who helped convert the Irish people into Christian. He was kidnnapped into Ireland as a teenager but escaped 6 years later. After he died, he was declared a saint by the Irish. -
Period: 400 to 1200
Chapter 17: The Early Middle Ages
Most people were Christians at that time. It was feudalism. That time period was also called the dark ages. -
Ch 15.1: Japan, Yamato’s starting rule as emperor.
Yamato’s rule extended over much of Honshu. They do not rule all of it but they claim that they are emperor. -
Ch 17.2, Europe, Start of the Middle Ages.
It was called the Middle Ages because it falls between modern and ancient times. It was also called the dark ages. It was after the fall of Rome. -
Period: 550 to
Chapter 15: Japan
Japan is an empire. It is ruled by shoguns who rule in the emperor’s name. Daimyos hire suamurai to protect their land and pay them with food and land. -
Period: 589 to
Chapter 14: China
After the period of disunification, the Sui dynasty took over and soon got overthrown by the Tang Dynasty. They were more modern. -
Chapter 16.1, Maya Empire, death of Pacal
Pacal was the king of Maya since 12 year old. When he died, he was buried in a temple. He lived for 80 years and led many religious events. -
Chapter 14.2, China, Paper Money is invented
Song Dynasty invented the first paper money system. Instead of heavy coins, they can have lots of money that takes up only a little space. -
Period: 1000 to 1500
Chapter 18, Europe, The Later Middle Ages
Popes and kings dominated European society. The crusades fought against Muslim forces 5 crusades. The Magna Carta was signed by king John. -
18.1, Europe, Pope Gregory VII threatens excommunicated Emperor Henry IV
Pope Gregory disapproved a bishop chosen by the emperor of the “Holy Roman Empire”. The king tried to remove his position of pope and the pope excommunicated him. -
Ch 15.2: Japan, Start of the Zen Buddhism in Japan
Zen Buddhists believed that self-discipline and meditation leads to wisdom. Faith and good behavior do not matter. -
18.5, Europe, growth of heresy
People began to question church teachings and authority. The religious ideas that opposes teachings of the church is called heresy. -
Ch 18.2, Europe, Start of second crusades
The French and German kings sent people to retake the holy land. They failed miserably. -
Chapter 14.3, China, creation of Hard Chinese tests.
During the Song Dynasty, you had to memorize entire Confucian texts which lasted 72 hours. People bribe the test graders to get good grades. -
Section 17.3, Aquitaine, death of Eleanor
Eleanor of Aquitaine ruled Aquitaine, a region of southwestern France. She became queen of France after she married King Louis VII but later divorced him and married the king of England, King Henry II. -
18.4 Europe, signing of the Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was a set of rights that cannot be ignored by the king. King John was forced by his nobles to sign it. -
18.3, Europe, death of Saint Fransis
He was born in Italy and was the son of a wealthy merchant. He considered every one to be his brother and sisters. Even animals. He started the friars. -
Chapter 13.3: Mali, Death of Sundiata
Sundiata was the first ruler of Mali. When he was a boy, Mali was under the rule of a harsh ruler. He made an army and defeated them. Then he conquered nearby kingdoms. -
Period: 1270 to
Chapter 19 Europe, The Renaissance and Reformation
The Italian Renaissance was the rebirth of education and old style architecture. The Silk Road was reopened and made safer by the mongols. The things were mostly based on humanism. Masters like Michelangelo and Leonardo D Vinci were very famous. -
19.1 Europe, Start of northern trading center
Venice, Milan, and Florence became trading centers. Florence began with wool trade but soon became a banking center. The richest person ruled the city. -
Ch 16.2, Tenochtitlán, Cortés conquers Aztecs
Cortés goal was the riches, adventure, and to convert people to Christians. The king thought that he was a god and gave him stuff. He wanted more so he captured the king. The Aztecs drove them out but they came back and won. -
19.2 , Germany, invention of movable type
A German man named Johann Gutenberg invented the movable type. Each letter was on a different metal. Entire page is printed at once. -
Period: 1400 to
Chapter 20, Europe and America, Science and Exploration
Starting from 1400 AD, it was the early modern age. People discovered America and a sea route to India. We also discovered that things go around the sun. -
Chapter 14.4, China, Zheng He’s voyage to Southeast Asia.
Zheng He was an excellent sailor and traveled all over the world. He came to Malaysia and Thailand. He traveled to Malaysia 7 times before he settled here and the first Chinese Malaysians were born. -
Ch 16.3, West South America, death of Pachacuti
Pachacuti became the Inca ruler in 1438. He rebuilt the Inca capital and established the official Inca religion. He also expanded the empire conquering the western coast of South America. -
Ch 20.2 , Spain , Birth of Columbus
He was the guy from Spain that discovered America while trying to find India that is why native Americans are called Indians. -
Ch 20.3, Europe , start of mercantilism
Mercantilism, a statement in which the gov. Controls all economic activity in the country and colonies. It makes the gov. Stronger and stronger. A country is measured by wealth. -
19.3, Europe, start The reformation
Martin Luther nailed his complaints on the church door on October 31 1517. It was called the 95 Theses. That eventually caused a split and a new branch called the Protestants. -
Ch 20.1, Europe, start of the Copernicus system
Copernicus found out that things revolved around the sun not the earth. He feared persecution by the church because of their beliefs. He was later convinced to sharing his ideas. -
17.4, Japan, creating of Haikus
A haiku is a short 3 lined poem of 17 syllables that normally describe natural scenes. -
Period: to
Chapter 21, Europe and America, Enlightenment and Revelation
The Age of Reason was also called the enlightenment. A lot for the major countries had a revelution and overthrew their government. Democratic countries start. -
21.3, England, end of divine right
Even though the Magna Carta has been in place of 100s of years but kings do not honor it. They created the English Bill Of Rights to enforce it. -
Ch21, France, birth of Volitaire
Volitaire’s real name was François. He poked fun at religious tolerance. He thinks that the purpose of life is pursuit of human happiness through science. -
Ch21.2, England and Netherlands, death of John Locke
He wrote about the human mind, science, government, and religion. Believed in natural rights. -
Ch 15.3, Japan, End of samurais
Samurai were fierce Japanese warriors. They have hardened and sharp swords. Japan had to ban guns to keep samurai from dying out. -
Chapter 13.4: West Africa, Inspiration of sculpture
The West African sculpture inspired visitors from Europe including Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso. -
Chapter 16 modern day event, Chile, Maintaince of Inca roads
Inca roads stretched nearly 12000 feet in elevation and followed natural features, such as valleys, ridge lines, and the coastline. It is still kept maintained and in good condition. -
Modern event 20, America, Making hamburger
The Columbian exchange made hamburgers possible. The food got a lot more viarity but most has corn in it. -
Chapter 13, Modern day event, West Africa, iron tools
The West African people were really good at making iron tools. We are still using similar techniques of making iron to make farm tools. -
Ch 15. Modern day event, Zen Buddhism continues
Zen Buddhism is still popular in Japan. They have temples to both Buddha and Shintoism. -
Ch. 19 Modern day, Europe, The other Christian branches
There are still many branches of Christianity today including the Protestants. -
Chapter 14 modern day event, China, Presevation of the Grand Canal
The grand canal is still used in China and the bridges are still maintained well for use. -
Modern day event chapter 17, Everywhere, Christianity Continues
Christianity is the most common religion on earth. A lot of people worship the god. It is worshiped almost everywhere. -
Modern event 18, Everywhere, heresy
People still oppose church teachings and other branches of Christianity. Not everyone agrees to church teachings -
Ch21 modern day event, Europe and America, No divine right.
There is no more divine right in England and the king and queens have no more strong hold on the country.