Jul 6, 1369
Burned at the cross
John Huss was burned at the stake in Constance for being a disenter of the catholic church -
Nov 27, 1439
The Printing Press
Gutonburg Invents the Prtinting Press -
Oct 31, 1450
Slave trade
African Slaves were shipped along the middle passage of the Triangular Trade to the Americans. -
Jul 23, 1453
The Ottoman Emprie Conquered itsanbul and renamed it Constantinople. -
Oct 27, 1492
Sail to asia
Cristopher colubus was sponsord by spain to sail to asia. -
Jan 1, 1495
The last supper
leonardo da vinci painted the last supper -
Mar 14, 1502
Trade with india
Vasco De Gama sailed establishes trade with india for the portuguese. -
Oct 31, 1503
Heliocentric Theory
Copernocus creates the Heliocentric Theory, stating the sun was the center of the universe. -
Dec 28, 1504
Heliocentric Theory proven.
Gallaleo uses his telescope to prove the heliocentric theory correct. -
Oct 31, 1517
95 Thesis
Martin luther nais the 95 Thesis to the church door in the Holy Roman Empire -
Oct 31, 1519
ferdinand magellan becomes the first person to circumnavigate the world. -
Aug 13, 1521
The Navigator
Hernando Cortez The navigator and his forces counqured the Aztec Emipire. -
Dec 27, 1532
John Calvins belifes established the idea of Predestination -
Apr 13, 1534
Claim to Canada
Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River and Montreal leading the french claim to Canada. -
Jun 1, 1534
Break away from rome
King Henry 8th broke away frim the roman catholic church and divorced his wife. -
Period: Aug 24, 1545 to Sep 10, 1563
Council of Trent
Folowers of the Catholic Church Met at the catholic church. -
Sep 17, 1545
Council of Trent
Council of Trent was created during the italian Renaissance. -
Nov 30, 1559
Anglican Church
Queen Eliziebeth beomes head of anglican church -
Spanish armada
Queen elizabeth defeted the spanish armada. -
William Harvey studies the animals and anatomy to create an acurate theory of the heart and circulatory system. -
Period: to
30 Year War
30 Years War was fought in germany. -
Palace of Versailles
Louis the xiv builds the Palace of Versailles. -
Edict of Nantes
Louis the XIV revoked the edict of nantes which gave huguenots freedom of religion in france. -
Peter the great westernizes russia