Period: Sep 1, 1200 to
the rennisance
May 18, 1350
renaissance begins
the era when science and literature reigned through the cities of florence genou and venice. -
Apr 27, 1418
prince henrys navigation school
prince henry established a school for people to learn navigation. it was built in portigal -
May 29, 1453
the ottomans renamed constantinople to istambul after siezed the city -
Aug 3, 1492
columbuses first voyage
columbus set out to what he thought was asia but he landed in the carribean -
Jun 7, 1494
treaty of tordesillies
this treaty stated that land be divided between spain and portigal -
Sep 8, 1504
Michelangelos david
the sculptor michelangelo unveils his masterpiece in florence italy. -
Sep 13, 1506
leonardo da vinci's mona lisa
leonardo da vinci started a beautifal painted of a woman which he named the mona lisa -
Nov 3, 1511
erasmus 'the praise of the folly'
erasmus wrote the praise of the folly in latin as a part of huminism. -
Oct 31, 1512
michelangelos sistene chapel.
michelangelos painted a masterpiece in italy. -
Oct 23, 1518
cortez conquers the aztecs
cortez arrived and slaughterd a lot of the aztecs as part of his conquest -
Apr 7, 1532
pizzaro conquers incas
pizzaro arrived in the incan colones and conquerd the inhabatants there using warfare -
Dec 25, 1543
copernicus theroy
copernicus's theroy stated that earth is one of the seven ordered planets and that the distance from the sun is small coparied to the distance from the stars -
william shakespears 'the tragedy of julies ceaser'
william shakespear writes the tragedy of julies ceaser as one of his masterpieces -
kepler on planetary motion
keplers theroy stated that every orbit of the planet is one revolvotion around the sun -
galieleo supporting the heliocentric theroy
galielio used his telescope to support copenicuses heliocentric theory -
taj mahal
was built in memory of mumtaz mahal and is known as the jewel of muslim art -
the execution of charles the 1st an
charles the first was executed due to the reason that people called him a traitor. -
thomas hobbs leviathen
thomas wrote a book describing the corrupt monarchy of europe -
william harvey circulation of blood
william harvey discoverd that the hearts beat controls the blood flowing through the viens -
the restoration of charles the 2nd.
charles the second was bieng pulled into restoring absolute monarchy -
louis the 14th build the palace of versailles
king louis built this palace to show his greatness -
isaac newtons laws of gravity
newton published a book describing the laws of gravity -
the glorious revolution
the point when king james the second was going to be overrun. -
john lockes two treates on goverment
johns books stated the facts about a more civilized society. -
english bill of rights
the bill of rights was an act of parliment that represented mary and william. -
peter the great builds st petersburg
peter the great found the city of st petersburg in order to be closer to the baltac sea. -
the spirit of laws
it was sought to reflect the social and geographical aspects of many communities -
the social contract
a book writtin by jean jaques that stated the best way to set up a more politicaly correct community -
winning independece
also known as the revolutionary war, the 13 colonies won independece from europe by fighting for it -
the declaration of independece
a bill writtin by thomas jefferson that stated the 13 colonies constitution -
storming the bastille
the people of paris stormed the bastille in order to get gunpowder -
death of louis the XIV
his execution started the reign of terror and was found guilty of treason -
the riegn of terror
the period in paris where there were a lot of executions that led the people of paris afraid for their life -
haiti wins independence
was a slave revolt in saint domigue. eventully became its own independent nation -
napoleon become emperor
napoleon was crowned napoleon the first -
congress of vienna meets
the main point of these meeting was to calm the events of the french revolution -
napoleon dies
died due to stomach cancer even though he was warned by physhicans. -
monroe docturne
stated that any european settlements in america would be an act of aggresion -
unifying italy
became the prime minister after unifying italy -
garibaldi connecting italy
garibald returned to italy and unifyed the north and the south -
the papel states joining italy
made a parliment that ended the papel states when italy joined -
iron and blood speech
the speech stated the unification of german territories -
the french and prussian war
a war between the second french empire and the kingdom of prussia