Sep 17, 1300
Renaissance Begins
From 1300-1600. Rebirth of classical ideas, art, and learning. -
Period: Oct 1, 1300 to
World History 2 Timeline
Dec 16, 1419
Prince Henry founds navigation school in Portugal
By 1460, Portuguese had trading posts along West Coast of Africa . Traded for gold, ivory, and slaves. -
Dec 16, 1451
Byzantine capital of Constantinople conquered and renamed Instabul by the Muslim Ottomans
Mehmet, an Ottoman sultan took Constantinople and renamed it the city of Instanbul. It's the capital of the Ottoman Empire. -
Dec 16, 1492
Columbus' first voyage
Went around the world with the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. Opened Americas for spansih colonization. -
Dec 16, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas
Northwestern part of the world. Pope Alexander VI drew a line dividing the Atlantic Ocean between Portugal and Spain to avoid conflict. -
Dec 16, 1500
Nicolaus Copernicus developed heliocentric theory
Polish scientist. Said the sun was the center of the universe. -
Oct 1, 1504
Michelangelo's "David"
Sculpture of David in 1504. Visual art during the Renaissance. -
Oct 1, 1508
Michelangelo's painting of the Sistine chapel
Michaelangelo painted his works in this chapel. Paintings are even on the ceiling. -
Oct 1, 1509
Erasmus writes "Praise of Folly"
Was a humanist. Pokes fun at greedy merchants. -
Dec 16, 1510
Johannes Kepler discovered planetary motion
A German scientist. Said that orbits were elliptical. -
Dec 16, 1515
Galileo Galilei used telescope to support heliocentric theory
Italian scientist. Published findings in Starry Messenger. -
Oct 1, 1517
Leonardo Da Vinci paints the "Mona Lisa"
A painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist. Known as the renaissance man. -
Dec 16, 1519
Cortez conquers the Aztecs
Gained help from natives. Technology helped conquer the Aztecs. -
Dec 16, 1532
Pizzaro conquers the Inca
Pizarro defeats the Incas. Takes over their empire. -
Dec 16, 1534
Isaac Newton formulated the Law of Gravity
English scientist. Published mathematical principles of natural philosophy. -
Dec 16, 1540
William Harvey discovered the circulation of blood
Was an English doctor. Studied the circulation of blood heart and blood animals. -
Shakespeare writes "the tragedy of Julius Caesar"
Written by William Shakespeare. Wrote about how Julius Caesar died. -
Taj Mahal built
Shah Jahan built this. Built it in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. -
Oliver Cromwell and the execution of Charles 1
Oliver ruled as a military dictator. Executed Charles for treason. -
The restoration of Charles II
Charles' son. Political parties developed through him. -
Louis XIV builds palace of Versailles
Symbolized Louis's great authority and power. Ment to impress visitors to show his power. -
Glorious Revolution (William and Mary)
Leaders in the Glorious Revolution. Were Absolute monarchs. -
English Bill of Rights of 1689
Said ruler couldn't levy taxes without Parliaments consent. Penalize a citizen who petitions the king about grievances. -
Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan
Was an English thinker. Had ideas that humans are naturally evil. -
Peter the Great builds St. Petersburg
Was an absolute monarch of Russia. Mongols cut them off from Renaissance. -
John Locke's Two Treatises on Government
Was an english thinker. Said that people have "natural rights" to life, liberty, and property. -
Montesquieu's The Spirit of Laws
Was a French writer. Had the idea of dividing government power into 3 seperate branches. -
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's The Social Contract
Swiss writer. Idea was social contract free individuals agree to create a society and gov. to protect their rights. -
Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence
Made based on Locke's ideas. Mainly argued for natural rights. -
The American colonies win independence from England
Navigation acts restricted colonial trade. The 13 colonies rebelled.