World History 1 Timeline

  • Sep 4, 1096

    Crusades Fight

    Crusades Fight
    The 5 crusades fought against the Muslimsfor the Holy Land (Palistine) in 1096. This is knnown as the Holy War and from this came extenged trade routes.
  • Sep 4, 1300

    Renaissance Begins

    Renaissance Begins
    The rennaisance was a rebirth of Europe after the Black Death. This was a period when the people wanted to live a happy life and do some exploring away from the church. The city states rose to power, Humanism was born and there were great strides in science, art, and everything was inspired by the ancient greeks.
  • Sep 7, 1337

    100 Years War Begins

    100 Years War Begins
    Was a series of wars btween England and France for the French throne. It lasted for so many years that the neer generations had no idea what they were fighting for anymore.
  • Sep 4, 1347

    Black Death Begins in Europe

    Black Death Begins in Europe
    The Black Death was a plague that hit Europe and whiped out 2/3 of their population. It was caused by a bacteria called Pasterella Pestis and was brought to Europe by flees on rats that were in trade ships from Asia.
  • Oct 2, 1368

    Ming Dynasty

    Ming Dynasty
    Zhu took the name Hongwu and made the ming dynasty. Ming means "brilliant", and the Ming dynasty lasted nearly 300 years, untill 1644. He worked to rebuild China by bettering agriculture, reducing taxes, and eleminating Mongol influence by teaching tradtitional confusicus principles.
  • Oct 5, 1405

    Voyage of Zheng He

    Voyage of Zheng He
    He had voages of hundreds of ships and sailed to Southeast Asia, India, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. He brought back all kinds of gifts some of te strangest being griaffes and zebras.
  • Sep 7, 1431

    Joan of Arc Burns

    Joan of Arc Burns
    Joan was a French peasant girl who believed she was chosen by god. She convinced prince Charles to lead his army against the english. She won every single battle until her own men convicted her of being a witch and burned her on the stake at the age of 19.
  • Oct 2, 1453

    Fall Of Constaninpole

    Fall Of Constaninpole
    The Ottomans led a sea and land attack against the Capital of Byzantine, Constinople. The battle lasted two months long and after the Ottomans took over the city was known as Instanbul. It was turned into a Muslim city.
  • Sep 7, 1455

    Johannes Gutenburg's Printing Presss

    Johannes Gutenburg's Printing Presss
    Gutenburg created a printing press that used metal plates instea of wood and it was way more efficient. Informarion spread quickly because of it. Inofrmation like the bible, which caused people to stop going to church and start realizing how corrupt the church was.
  • Sep 16, 1492

    Christopher Columbus' 1st Voyage

    Christopher Columbus' 1st Voyage
    in 1492 Christopher comlumbus sailed West trying to find India but instead found what is now the Americas and called them the West Indies. He was funded by the king and queen of Spain.
  • Oct 5, 1492

    If youre not catholic, get out!

    If youre not catholic, get out!
    In Spain in 1492 the nation's rulers were catholics, trying to convert everyone. If you weren't a converted to Christianity then you were expelled. This included Moors, Jews, and gypsies. This took a huge chuhck of the Spainish workforce out.
  • Sep 23, 1498

    Voyage to India

    Voyage to India
    Porteguese explorer, Vasco da Gama, set out for India in 1497, and completed his journey nearly 10 months later. His trip made Portugal the richest, most powerful nation in Europe at the time.
  • Sep 18, 1500

    Slave Trate Across the Atlantic

    Slave Trate Across the Atlantic
    European's in America needed workers for their plantations, because of that millions of Africans were bought or taken from Africa and brought to America. The goods the harvested were then solf to Europe anf this was known as triangular trade.
  • Oct 2, 1500

    Safavid Empire

    Safavid Empire
    Persian Muslims were the Shia section of Islams split into. Their leader was a 14 year old boy named Esma'il, who had a series of victories and took over Persia. He dreamed of converting all Islam Sunnis so Shiim. Abbass brought on a golden age during the Safavid empire.
  • Sep 18, 1502

    Naming of the "New World"

    Naming of the "New World"
    Amerigo Vespucci travelede along the coast of what is now South America and concluded that it was not India. The map makers in his company named the "New World" after Amerigo
  • Sep 14, 1503

    Da Vinci Paints "Mona Lisa"

    Da Vinci Paints "Mona Lisa"
    Da Vinci painted the "Mona Lisa" painting to capture the complexity of the human spirit with her mysterious smile.
  • Sep 7, 1508

    Michael Angelo Paints Sistine Chapel

    Michael Angelo Paints Sistine Chapel
    Micheal Angelo begins to paint the Sistine chapel for the pope. It is a painting on the celiing of the events in the old testement of the Christian bible.
  • Sep 16, 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    Martin Luther wrote 95 thesies on what the catholic church was doing wrong (including indulgences). It was written in LAtin and intended for the church officials to read but was quickly spread around due to the printing press. This resulted in him being excommunicated and turned into a criminal.
  • Sep 18, 1519

    Magelllan's "around the world" trip

    Magelllan's "around the world" trip
    In 1519 Magellan set off on a journey with 5 ships and 250 men to sail around the world. His trip was over in 1522. He died before completing his journey but is still credited with being the first person to circumnavigate.
  • Sep 16, 1526

    Mugal Empire Begins

    Mugal Empire Begins
    had a 14 year old king, Baber, who defeated an army of 100k with his own army of 12k with a secret weapon: discipline and cannons. It was a period of small kingdoms with no single ruler afterward. Was taken over by Muslims ad had a government called Delhi Sultate that was tolerant but taught Muslim traditions.
  • Sep 18, 1532

    Conquest of Peru

    Conquest of Peru
    Francisco Pizarro led an expedition to Peru in hopes of finding wealth. The new ruler, Atahualpa, wanted to meet with Pizarro but Pizarro forced Christianty on them and when they refused Pizarro he killed them all.
  • Sep 16, 1534

    Church Of England

    Church Of England
    After king Henry VIII's request to annul his marriage to Catherine is refused by the pope he takes control in what is called, "The King's Matter". What the king does is creates a new religion, Anglican, which replaces the Catholics.
  • Sep 18, 1543

    Heliocentric Theory Published

    Heliocentric Theory Published
    In 1543 Nicholas Copernicus suggested that the Sun was the center of the universe and not Earth. Galileo expressed these views and got put under house arrest by the church because they did not want science challenging religion.
  • Sep 16, 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    Pope Paul III saw the need to fix the catholic's corruption and made the Council of Trent. It trained priests, fixed the money wasting and indulgences were gone. It empasized self dicipline and self faith and that you needed to go to church to reach salvation.
  • Sep 25, 1556

    Phillip II Rules Spain

    Phillip II Rules Spain
    Spain reached its peak under his rul ebecause of the gold and silver flow from the Americans. He wanted to spread Catholicism to the European territories. He fought with the Protestances and also fought with the Dutch who refused to Ally with him. H made the Court of Blood to torture the rebels1609 a truce was formed.
  • Sep 18, 1558

    Elizabeth 1 Becomes Queen

    Elizabeth 1 Becomes Queen
    After her father, brother, and Mary had died Elizabeth 1 became queen. She made the Supremecy act in 1559 to split England from Rome. She firmly established the church of England and killed many Catholics.
  • Age of Enlightenment

    Age of Enlightenment
    The Age of Enlightenment ook place in Europe to Prussia, Russia, Austria and beyond that. A system of government was formed where they ruled base off Enlightenment udeas and the leaders were called enlightened despots. This Age lasted for about 200 years.
  • Jamestown

    In 1604 settlers founded Jamestown in Virginia and named it after their king, king James I. This is the first permanant settlement in America. The water was nasty and the land not fertile and most of them died.
  • The Sun King

    The Sun King
    At the age of 18 Louis XIV became king. His entire life was spent learning how to be king so he was very cofident in his ability to rule. He decided he would run the govenment saying, "He was the state" and chose the sun as his symbol because the world revolved around him.
  • Qing Dynasty (China)

    Qing Dynasty (China)
    The Qing dynasty taught confusious traditions but had both chinese and Manchu officials so the two groups respected each other. The the impotant emperor in the Qing dynasty was Kangxi, who lower taxes, valued science and education, population rose, and also had a crop surplus during his reign. Did foriegn trade but only with the Dutch though they kept up with european advances.
  • England Under Cromwelll

    England Under Cromwelll
    Cromwell became Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland in 1653. He demanded obedience and limited forms of entertainment. He was for Absolutism and had trouble dealing with the Leviathan, which talked about a strong monarch ruler
  • Peter becomes Czar

    Peter becomes Czar
    Peter became czar when he was a child and at age 17 he replaced his sister on the throne. He built a powerful navy to fight the Turks. He also brought about a modernization called Westernization to russia. He also founded a new city, - st.Petersburg
  • Catherine The Great

    Catherine The Great
    She was a German princess that came to marry Peter the Great's grandson, She also build upon peters westernization of Russia and led many reforms such improving her authority over rural areas.
  • US Consitution is Ratified

    US Consitution is Ratified
    Delagates met a Constitutional Convention in Philly and ended up writing the US constitution. It is the oldesr written constitution still used today. It was signed by all the delegates in 1787, ratifying it.
  • French Revolution Begins

    French Revolution Begins
    Feelings of anger and resentment toward the French monarchy lead to the French Revolution. The french govenment consister of 3 main groups and none of them were happpy. So after much fighting the monarchy crumbled and out came a new government.
  • Reign of Terroe Begins

    Reign of Terroe Begins
    Everyone was concern about how the revolution was coming along. Spain, Holland, Great Brittian, Austria, and Prussia had banded together to make war against France. They did everything they could have to avoid a counterrevolution. The Moutain started a series of trials and executions causes a wave of terror throughout the land.
  • Emperor Napoleon

    Emperor Napoleon
    Napoleon released a plebiscite, a question to all the voters: Didi they want to declare France an empire? They supported him, making him the new emperor. Pope Pius VII went to crown him and Napoleon took the crown and coronated himself.
  • End of the Tokugawa Shogunate

    End of the Tokugawa Shogunate
    The Tokugawa Shogunate was established at a fishing village which is now Tokyo. During this time agriculture production increased as did economic activity and the populace. The social structures were strict where peasants werent at the bottom of the social pyrimid, but the merchants who did not produce anything.
  • Leviathan

    In 1651 Thomas Hobbes wrote a book called the Leviathan. His book was about how people are selfish and greedy and about his belief that people should give up some freedoms to a strong leader for thier own safety (absolute monarchy).
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    1815 all of Napoleon's enemies joined forces for one last butt whooping on Napoleon. They met near the village of Waterloo and teh British and Prussians finally defeated Napoleon. The total loss was around 50,000 men.