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World History

  • Period: to

    World History

  • Louis XIII

    Louis XIII
    King Louis XIII was born september 27th 1601. He and Louis XIV both were children when they came to power.
  • Michael Romanov

    Michael Romanov
    After Ivon IV died, there was chaos throughout Russia. They decided to chose Michael Romanov as the next Czar in 1613. He is the founder of the Romanov Dynasty.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    John Locke was considered one of the Fathers of Enlightenment. He belived in a "blank slate", that the environment shapes a person and that people are molded by their experiences.
  • Louis XIV

    Louis XIV
    King Louis XIV was born on September 5th 1638. He greatly changed French society. He developed the idea that he was the "Sun King".
  • The War of Devolution

    The War of Devolution
    This was the first war of King Louis XIV. It started in 1667 and ended in 1668. The war started because King Louis XIV wifes daughter had not paid her dowry.
  • The Dutch War

    The Dutch War
    The Dutch war was the second war of King Louis XIV. The war was maily about establishing control over the Spanish Netherlands.
  • Peter The Great

    Peter The Great
    When Peter The Great came to power in 1682, he starterd to Europeanize Russia. As a young boy Peter traveled around Europe and studied new developments in technology.
  • SIr Isaac Newton

    SIr Isaac Newton
    SIr Isaac Newton made the huge discoverys of natural laws like gravity. He got the idea of gravity when he was sitting under a tree and an apple fell on his head. He published his discoveries in 1687.
  • The War of Grand Allaince

    The War of Grand Allaince
    This was King Louis XIV third war. It was fought between france and most of the foriegn powers.
  • The War of Spanish Succesion

    The War of Spanish Succesion
    This was the fourth and final war of King Louis XIV. It is known as Queen Anne's war. It was fought among several European powers.
  • DIderot and the Encyclopedia

    DIderot and the Encyclopedia
    Diderot was born in 1713. He has a huge impact on world today because he wrote the encyclopedia. He wrote 28 volumes and it took him 27 years to do it.
  • Death of Louis XIV

    Death of Louis XIV
    When Louis XIV died he left a lot of debt behind. He did many things for France. For example he removed all nobles from the royal council because he didn't care for what they said.
  • SIr Isaac Newtons Death

    SIr Isaac Newtons Death
    SIr Isaac Newton died on March 31 1727. By the end of his death he was one of the most famous men in England. His knowledge, understanding and discoveries are still used today.
  • The Spirit of the Laws

    The Spirit of the Laws
    Montesque wrote The Spirit of the Laws in 1748. He wrote these laws on what he believed in and how he felt. It covered many things about politics.
  • King Louis XVI

    King Louis XVI
    KIng Louis started his reign on may 10th 1774. He had to choose his own way to govern France.He was very aware of what France had little of and needed a lot.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    When the third estate wanted to create a constitutional democracy, the nobles did not like that idea. The nobles didn't want the third estate to have a say in what would happen so they locked the third estate out. The the third estate met up at the tennis court and all swore they would come back and protest everyday untill they got what they wanted.
  • Armed Citizens Storm and Capture the Bastille

    Armed Citizens Storm and Capture the Bastille
    The Bastille was a prison and a symbol of Bourbon monarchy's tyranny.In a protest against King Louis XVI they armed revolutionaries charged the Bastille and took over it.
  • Louis XVI Gets Caught

    Louis XVI Gets Caught
    King Louis XVI attempted to flee into Varennese but he got caught. He was forced to go back to Paris.
  • Constitution

    It was the first written constitution of France. The idea started in 1789 with the third estate and the tennis court oath.
  • End of Louis XVI Reign

    End of Louis XVI Reign
    The end of Louis XVI reign ended in 1792. He had many good attempts to reform France but since he had bad charecter and lack of leadership he got overthrown.