World Events and My Events

  • Birth

    I was born at the Medical Center in Bowling Green, Kentucky
  • Birth of Baby Cousin

    Aaron was born at the Medical Center in Bowling Green, Kentucky
  • Birth of Baby Sister

    Sydney was born at the Medical Center in Bowling Green, Kentucky...Worst day of my life :)
  • George Bush elected into office

    George Bush elected into office
    Presidential election closest in decades, Bush's slim lead in Florida lead to automatic recount.
  • U.S. Spy plane and Japan Jet collide

    U.S. Spy plane and Japan Jet collide
    Sino-American relations deterorate during a standoff.
  • WTC are attacked

    WTC are attacked
    Terrorists crash 2 hijacked planes into the World Trade Centers killing many innocent lives. They also crashed a plane into the pentagon.
  • Space shuttle "Columbia" explodes

    Space shuttle "Columbia" explodes
    The explosion killed all 7 crew members while deployed in space.
  • First day of Kindergarden

    My first day of Kindergarden was at Lost River Elementry School
  • Launch of ambitious space program

    Launch of ambitious space program
    President Bush proposes ambitious space program, which includes flights to the Moon, Mars and beyond.
  • London hit by terrorist bombing

    London hit by terrorist bombing
    Killed 52, wounded 700, Britain's worst attack since WWII
  • First Day of the Second Grade

    My family was about to move to a new house and so it was my first day at Rockfield Elementary and I was in the same class as one of my long-known friends.
  • Moved!

    The first day in the new house, I was scared of my room so I slept in my parent's bedroom...... on the floor
  • Additional troops deployed

    Additional troops deployed
    President Bush announces that a surge of 20,000 troops will ne deployed into Baghdad
  • Meeting of Best Friend(s)

    The day I met Noah Thornberry and Adam Riley, I'm still friends with Adam to this day, but not so much Noah, because he went to Moss
  • Barrack Obama

    Barrack Obama
    Wins the presidential election becoming the first African American president.
  • Haiti Earthquake

    Haiti Earthquake
    7.0 Magnetude devastates Port-au-Prince, Haiti, worst earthquake in 200 years, destroyed government buildings, foreighn aid offices, and countless slums.
  • Japan earthquake

    Japan earthquake
    9.0 agnetude 45 miles off the coast of Japan, 20,896 casualties
  • First day of Middle School

    My first day at Shouth Warren Middle School
  • Basketball Team

    The day I made the 7th grade basketball team...... Also the day I met the Great Coach Reed!!!
  • 8th Grade B-Ball Team

    The season I had The Great Coach Reed as a coach!
  • Tennis team

    The day I made the South Warren High School Tennis Team