World Cultures Industrial revolution inventions

  • Seed drill

    Seed drill
    The seed drill was invented by Jethro Tull. This invention was used to allow farmers to plant seeds more precisely and not waste any seeds like they had in years past.
  • Flying shuttle

    Flying shuttle
    The flying shuttle was invented by John Kay. This was a tool to help people weave thread into cloth
  • Battery-powered continuous current

    Battery-powered continuous current
    The battery-powered continuous current was invented by Alessaho Volta. This was a step forward in creating a continuous electrical stream that could be used in homes.
  • Spinning mules

    Spinning mules
    Spinning mules were invented by Robert Owen. These were machines that greatly improved the speed at which cloth was developed and produced.
  • Turning pig iron into wrought iron

    Turning pig iron into wrought iron
    The process of turning pig iron into wrought iron was created by Henry Cort. This allowed for an advance in creating iron which could be used to make tools
  • Soda ash from common salts

    Soda ash from common salts
    The process of turning soda ash into common salts was created by Nicholas LeBanc. This was a chemical reaction that people used to make more objects that could be used in the home and cooking.
  • Steamboat

    Robert Fulton invents the first steamboat. This allowed people and products to get across bodies of water quicker than ever before.
  • Rent

    David Richardo came up with the idea of rent and other market-changing ideas. This was the idea that people should have to pay in order to live somewhere that is not under their name.
  • "Rocket"

    "Rocket" was one of the earliest locomotives to be created, by George Stephenson. This was a step in the direction of creating the locomotives that used to own the tracks.
  • First American sewing machine

    First American sewing machine
    Elias Howe created the first American sewing machine. This machine allowed women to embroider and sew things and products for the shop and home at a much faster rate.
  • "The Communist Manifesto"

    "The Communist Manifesto"
    "The Communist Manifesto" was written by Kari Max. This was the first public appearance of Communism, the idea that everyone shares everything and no one is above another.
  • Telegraphic cable

    Telegraphic cable
    The telegraphic cable was created by Cyrus Field. This cable allowed telephones to work, that was when telephones were in the early stages of production.