world civ.

  • 1265


    the famous anther Dante was born.
  • 1300

    The start of the renaissance

    The renaissance started because solgers were returning and there was an increse in food production which made it easy for the poulation to grow and it did.
  • 1429


    the medici family started a bank and became in power.
  • 1491

    Henery the 8th

    Henry the 8th was the king of England and he keeped trying to have a son but keeped getting dauters and keeped killing his wives until he got a son
  • 1503

    Mona lisa

    leonardo da vinchi painted the mona lise wich is one of the most famous paintins.
  • 1509

    John Calvin

    John Calvin was born he was a pastor and a reformer of the church.
  • 1517

    95 theses

    The 95 theses was wrote by matron Luther because the church was selling indulgences.
  • 1517


    the catholic church needed money so they started selling indulgences.
  • 1517


    There was problembs in the church so they were reforming it from 1517 - 1648.
  • Triad started

    triad started to pick up and there was more money in italy.