

  • Event 1

    Event 1
    Augest meet Mr.Tushman and had a great time
  • Event 2

    Event 2
    Augest meet 3 students that are in his home room class.
  • Event 3

    Event 3
    Julian was making fun of august using a Star Wars refrence.
  • Event 5

    Event 5
    August meet a new friend named Summer and they sat at lunch together and made names.
  • Event 6

    Event 6
    August and Summer became good friends and August likes summer
  • Event 7

    Event 7
    Jack Will was never really friends with August
  • Event 8

    Event 8
    Via real name is Olivia and it now shows what thinks about this
  • Event 9

    Event 9
    Olivia's old friends are becoming jerks
  • Event 10

    Event 10
    Summer we'res your boyfriend?
  • Event 11

    Event 11
    Via has friends are extremely acting t
    Like jerks
  • Wonder pg.144-167 (2 events)

    Wonder pg.144-167 (2 events)
    1) Jack punched Julian in the mouth, because he tried to change Jack's partner. This created chaos, and really bad tension. Jack received a two day suspension. 2) August un-buddied Jack on facebook, causing him to email him. I won't go through every email they sent obviously, but overall, they made up. August and Jack are friends again.
  • Event 14 The return to school

    Event 14 The return to school
    Jack had returned to school from being expelled and the winter break.He notices everything was off as he talked to others but no one talked back.
    Jack figured out by the break that Julian had thrown a amazing and huge party witc was a plan o turn everyone's in sixth grade against Jack for what he did to him.
  • Wonder pg. 246-264 2/8/17

    Wonder pg. 246-264 2/8/17
    August is out on a school trip for three days. Everyone is staying in cabins, and actually having a great time. Julian ditched the trip, so.. No more dealing with him. Atleast for three days. That's a break. Jack and August are having a great time together, and just having fun. Considering they don't get to do that much. Especially with that war Julian is TRYING to continue (and failing miserably) But yeah. Everyone has been having a fun time. Let's hope it doesn't get ruined... - Dixie .H
  • The great shock

    The great shock
    After no no one likes August and all that a great out come had came after the camping trip came.Their had been a incident with older and bigger kids that came down to a lost and a fight.The older kids had noticed August in the crowd so they cakked him names as if they freaked out .When they tried to leave the big kids were after them that caused a big fight so evryone was over protected of August.
  • Bear

    After the fight August had got in cured from his cut elbow and everyone was nice to him.His whole family was exited to see him again but what his dad had in shock for him was amazing.It was a new puppy for him that was so adorable being named Bear.
  • Last events

    Last events
    So Augusts dad confessed that he stole his astrounat helment
  • Last event

    Last event
    Finally the graduation when everyone said bye to 5th grade.