The “women’s lib” movement Pt. 1
This movement its a continuation of the work of the early suffragist women, who fought to have women’s equality compeletly recognized. Organizations like the National Organization for Women (NOW), began in 1966 by Betty Friedan and Pauli Murray who helped work to change the structures of society so that women could achieve economic, political, and social equality. Important changes happened through these times are Betty Friedan’s helped "The Feminine Mystique or “the problem that has no name -
The womens lib pt 2
the book encouraged women to have their own careers in addition to marriage and motherhood. The Equal Pay Act soon came and required that men and women be paid the same amount of money for the same work performed. and equal opertunity in employment also came. -
Changes start to happen
Women’s Rights Movement worked together and separately on alot of issues. Small groups of women in communities worked on projects like having women’s newspapers, bookstores and cafes. They created battered women’s shelters and rape crisis hotlines to care for victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence. They also helped form child care centers so women could work outside their homes for pay. Women health care professionals opened women’s clinics to have a safe place to talk about healthconerns -
Title IX in the Education Codes of 1972
This helped give women the equal oportunirty to higher education and professional schools became the law. The number of women doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects and other professional jobs doubled and doubled again as places actually limiting women’s enrollment in graduate schools were against the law -
The 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court
This case declared that a woman’s decision to have an abortion during the first trimester of their pregnacy is a fundamental right of liberty as said by the consistution, the 14th Amendment, stating that its unconstitutional all existing federal and state bans on abortion. -
Womens rights
This picture shows a group/organization of women who got together to help bring awareness to the fact that they were being treated as secound class citizen and they wernt getting treated fairly/equal and that they wernt going to keep quite about it -
In this document "Women of the United States, respectfully ask an amendment of the Constitution that shall prohibit the several States from disfranchising any of their citizens on the ground of sex." and that "In making our demand for Suffrage, we would call your attention to the fact that we represent fifteen million people—one half of the entire population of the country—intelligent, virtuous, native-born American citizens; and yet stand outside the pale of political recognition." -
about womens rights
Since the 1980s the women's movement has focused on many different issues. which are reproductive rights, which is protecting a woman's right of choice to have an abortion against the fervent pro-life movement; sexual harassment; and the "glass ceiling" women in corporate advancement. -
Women continue to make advances in the political field. In 2008, Senater Hillary Clinton made a history for the Democratic presidential nomination. Even though she was defeated by Senater Barack Obama, she won some 18 million votes in the polls. In 1984, Geraldine Ferraro was the first female Democrat to be nominated for the vice-president. Sarah Palin followed her as the first female Republican nominee for that same office in 2008. -
Womens rights then and now
Overall womens rights have changed alot in the past 94 years for example 94 years ago like the plan B for women we have now back then theycouldnt use planB, they could get fired for being pregnet, couldnt claim or sue for sexual harrassment, it was very difficult to get a credit card, couldnt have an Ivy League education, couldnt be in the military, some places wouldnt even hire them because they were a girl but now females have consistutional rights that protect them from that discrimination .