Apr 14, 1200
Abuses of the Catholic Church
Martain Luther tried to stop the Church but got excommicated. He started his own religion called Lutheran. He Catholic Church lyed to the people that belonged to the Church. They were bribing them to go to heaven so they could get money. The abuses was not all in 1200 hundred it went through to the 1500 -
Dec 14, 1500
Martain Luther and the 95 theses
Martain Luther was a German Monk before he made the Lutheran Faith. Also, he was a Proffesor of Theology. He came up with the Lutheran Religion in 1500. -
Sep 25, 1517
Luther's Ideas and The Lutheran Religion
Martain believed the Catholic Church was too abusive to their people. When he made his religion he never lied about Church or Faith -
Sep 29, 1517
The English Reformation
People that belonged to the Church and Martain Luther wanted to change the Church because of all of the lies told. Martain Luther got excomminucated for coming up with the 95 theses. So then he started a new religion, Lutheran. People started to follow his leader ship. -
Aug 13, 1534
Act of Supremacy
It was the Oath of loyalty from England subjects. Henry broke the Catholic Church rules and bribed them to get money for himself. People were making and causing conflicts because they wanted to know the truth about the Catholic religion. -
Oct 7, 1535
Catholic Reformation
The people that belonged to the Catholic Church wanted to reform the church themselves. They wanted this because people did not want the church to make things even worse than it was already. With the new printing press around they could now make bibles so they could see the real truth and come up with changes. This also led to the council of trent which Queen Elizabeth used to lead the church. -
May 4, 1536
John Calvin
John Calvin was a really spiritual man when little and older. He studied law with his father. He believed when he was following Martain Luther the bible was the only religious truth. At this time it was true because the officals of the Church were telling many mean lies to the people. -
Jul 17, 1559
Elizabeth the first and The Church of England
Elizabeth repaired her kingdom from religous destruction because of the settlement happining. They church and others now focused on the bible much more -
Killings and Persecutions of people
People were killed because they did not follow the religion that Henry wanted them to follow. He was very angry at the Catholic Church because he wanted a divorce with his first wife and they did not let him without a form