Winona LaDuke

  • Spent her summers in Native Communities

    • She would use this as an opportunity to connect with her Native American heritage.
  • Met Jimmie Durham

    • After LaDuke went to hear one of his speeches during college, he made her realize how many struggles Native American's really go through. Which inspired her journey.
  • She Founded White Earth Land Recovery Project

    • Her reasoning to found this organization was in response to the destruction being done to the environment.
  • LaDuke gives birth to her first child

    • She gives tribute to her heritage by giving him a native name.
    • She followed through with this when she had her two other children in the future.
  • Co founded Honor the Earth

    • She co founded the organizations with the Indigo Girls Amy Ray and Emily Saliers.
    • This non-profit organization was created to acknowledge the struggles of the Indigenous community.
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    Ran For Vice President for the Green Party

    • She was a vice presidential candidate along with Ralph Nader
  • Retired her Scientific Career

    • After years of hard work and commitment, Winona Laduke retired her career, but still strives to support Native Amercians.