Winfield vs. Kasel

  • Winfield purchase land in 1963

    Warranty deed in 1964, fence in place
  • Kasel purchase land in 1966

    Aquire deed of conveyance in 2002
  • Winfield agrees to lease

    Kastel later recinded lease agreement. Winfield brought action for title to disputed property by adverse possession.
  • 2004 Winfield intended to replace fence

    Kastel notified Winfield they wanted fence put on actual property line. Until that time, Winfield believed fence to be on actual property line
  • 2007 Bench Trial

    District Court found Winfield used land continuously since 1964, property was visible from state highway (could see cattle)
  • Period: to

    1964 to 2004

    Winfield solely maintain fence along Kasel's property and have pastured cattle on their land for same period of time