

  • 500

    First Windmill

    The Persians seem to have been the first to develop windmills (between 500 and 900 A.D.)
    Appox. this year
  • Jan 1, 1096

    Europes First Windmills

    Windmills first appeared in Europe about the time of the Crusades (1096-1270).
    Appox. this year
  • Jan 1, 1200

    1st windmills in England

    Evidence of windmills in England dates from the 12th century, with earlier references to "mills"
    Approx. this centerary
  • Jan 1, 1219

    Chinas First Windmill

    The first known windmill in China is documented in 1219 A.D.
    Appox. this year
  • Jan 1, 1370

    Dutch take the windmills to new hieghts

    In the late 1300s the Dutch took windmill technology to new heights, developing new sail designs that increased efficiency, including using a leading edge on the sail to create aerodynamic lift.
    Appox. this year
  • Jan 1, 1500


    Holland had windmills in the 1500's for pumping and power.
  • Ground Sailer

    Ground Sailer
    Smock mill De 1100 Roe, Amsterdam, Netherlands, built in 1757, type called a grondzeiler ("ground sailer") by the Dutch , since the sails almost reach the ground.
    Appox. this year
  • USA devlope a new style of windmill

    In the United States in the mid 1800s a new style of windmill was developed that comprised a small rotor set on top of a skeletal steel structure
    Appox. this year
  • Interseting fact

    Of the 10,000 windmills in use in the Netherlands around 1850, about 1000 are still standing. Most of these are being run by volunteers though there are some grist mills still operating commercially.
    Approx. date
  • Daniel Halladay

    In 1854 Daniel Halladay of Connecticut
    created a windmill that turned automatically toward whatever direction the wind was
    blowing and that slowed itself down in high winds.
    Approx. date
  • windmills materials get replaced

    By 1888 manufacturers were
    replacing fragile wooden construction with blades of galvanized steel.
    Approx. date
  • Windmills loose there popularity

    Though handy for running direct current appliances, when electrification by connection to the main power grid came to many rural areas of the United States during the 1930s, the windmill lost its popularity.
    Appox. this year
  • Interesting fact

    Did you know that windmills always turn counter-clockwise, except for those in Ireland? Initially, windmills were used for pumping water and milling grain. They were first employed into energy producing in 1973.
  • Dutch windmill

    Dutch windmill
    An operating Dutch windmill (1994) that features leading edge airfoil sections The mechanism used to turn the rotor into the wind and the windows of the first-floor living quarters are easily seen.
    Approx. this year
  • Sad News

    Sad News
    Norfolk’s last commercial flour mill has been removed. The sail, at Denver Mill, near Downham Market, was taken away on 13th January 2012 for repairs.