Willim Golding Timeline

By SAM888
  • Day Of birth

    Day Of birth
    This is the day William Golding was born. His place of birth was Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England.
  • Oxford Graduation

    Oxford Graduation
    William graduated from Oxford in 1934. He graduated with a bachelor's degree of Arts in English.
  • Teaching career

    Teaching career
    William began to teach in 1935 for english and philosophy. His time with students would inspire a novel later on.
  • William married Ann Brookfield

    William married Ann Brookfield
    On 1939, William married Ann Brookfield. Later on, she gave brith to David on 1940 and Judith on 1945.
  • Royal Navy

    Royal Navy
    William joined the royal navy on 1940. He had stayed there to fight in WW2 for 5 years.
  • William's first novel

    William's first novel
    In 1954, William published his first novel, "Lord of the Flies". It would later on be one of his most recognized work.
  • Booker McConnell Prize

    Booker McConnell Prize
    One of the novels William had written was called "Rites of Passage". It was later on that it won the Booker McConnell Prize of 1980.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    William was awarded the nobel prize of literature. He was 73 years of age at the time.
  • William became a knight

    William became a knight
    Queen Elizabeth knighted William Golding. This was in 1988.
  • Day of Death

    Day of Death
    William Golding died from heart faillure on June 19, 1993. He was at the age of 81.