
William the Conqueror

  • Sep 7, 1028

    William 1st is born

    William 1st is born
    William bastard son of duke of Normandy is born.
  • Jan 14, 1035

    Duke of Normandy

    Duke of Normandy
    William becomes duke of Normandy.
  • Jul 21, 1052


    Marrige to Matilda Flanders of Normandy
  • Jan 6, 1066

    Harold of Exxes

    Harold of Exxes
    Harold of south Exxes crowned king of England.But there is a blood realation between both Harold and William after William
    recived the nexs William starts Norman invasion of England.
  • Sep 28, 1066

    Invasion of England

    Invasion of England
    William invades England with his enomas fleet of Normans
    at Hastings
  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    Legandary battle of Hastings the saxsons including Harold
    were defending againtst the opposing Normans also including
    William the Conqueror (was givin name after the battle.
  • Dec 25, 1066

    William crowned king of England

    William crowned king of England
    William crowned king soon after battle of hastings in Westmiher Abbey.
  • Jan 16, 1068

    Rebillion of English

    Rebillion of English
    Quashed rebelious rebels in the north known as the great hurring
  • Apr 13, 1068

    Matilda criowned Queen

    Matilda criowned Queen
    Matilda crowned in Westmiher Abbey as rightful queen of England.
  • May 22, 1073


    The buiding of castles and tower of london to keep an eye on the
  • Nov 3, 1086


    Doomsday book written of all the places in England and why people should pay taxes.William never read it because he could not read or write.
  • Sep 14, 1087

    Williams death

    Williams death
    King William dies while burning a french fort because all the fire made his horse scared,it tripped and fell while poor William
    burst his bladder.He dies in agony.