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William's Golding's important life

  • William golding is born

    William golding is born
  • Beginning of his education

    William Golding joined the Brasenose College in 1930. He studied science against his fathers wishes for 2 years
  • Studying his true passion

    After 2 years of science, Golding followed his true passion of literature by studying literature programme. Though he wanted to pursue fiction, he also had an interest in poetry.
  • Graduating from Oxford

    Graduating from Oxford
    In 1935, Golding graduated from Oxford with a bachelor of Arts in English and has a diploma in education.
  • Joining the army

    Joining the army
    Golding joined the army from 1940 to 1945. These 5 years exposed Golding to the cruelty and barbarity that he human race is capable of. He later wrote about his wartime experiences later.
  • Publishing of 'Lord of the Flies'

    Publishing of 'Lord of the Flies'
    In 1954, after being rejected by 21 publishers, Golding's book, 'Lord of the Flies' got published. He combined the perception of humanity and the years of teaching schoolboys. Golding uses the tropical island as a way to show the savagery in humanity.
  • Golding wins an Nobel Peace prize

    Golding wins an Nobel Peace prize
    William golding won a Nobel Peace prize for his book 'Lord of the Flies' in 1983. He won the prize because of how it represented the real world.
  • Golding knighted

    Golding knighted
    Due to his works in literature, William Golding was knighted in 1988 by Queen Elizabeth II.
  • William Golding's death

    William Golding's death
    Due to a congestive heart disorder, William Golding died on June 19th 1993.