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William Golding Timeline

  • Birth Date Eng10 Hahn

    William Golding was born in Cornwall, England in 1911.
  • First Book Eng10 Hahn

    In 1934, just a year before he graduated he published his first work entiteled "Poems".
  • Started Teaching Eng10 Hahn

    In 1935, he started teaching English and Philosophy in Salisburg. In 1940 he temporarily left teaching to join the Royal Navy.
  • Back To Teaching Eng10 Hahn

    In 1945, Golding went back to teaching after World War II.
  • Lord of The Flies Eng10 Hahn

    On September 17 1954, William Golding released Lord of The Flies.
  • Nobel Prize Eng10 Hahn

    In 1983, he was awarded a Nobel Prize for Literature.
  • Death Eng10 Hahn

    On June 19 1993 William Golding passed away.