William Golding Timeline

  • He Is Born

    William Golding was born on September 19, 1911 in Cornwall, England. He would go on to make the one of the most iconic books in the world.
  • Graduated College

    William Golding had changed his major to English Litrature. Despite this set back he was still a great writer.
  • He Marries Ann Brookfield

    He met Ann Brookfield in 1938 and they fell in love. In the September of 1939 he married her at Maidstone Registry Office.
  • Golding Joins the War

    In 1940 Golding joined the Royal Army in WWII. It wa only temporary, for he returned to his works later.
  • Lord of Flies Published

    William Golding published his first book known as Lord of the Flies on this day. This novel won multiple awards.
  • Golding Retires and he has a Moview

    In 1963, the year after Golding retired from teaching, Peter Brook made a film adaptation of the critically acclaimed novel.
  • William wins the Nobel Prize

    The Nobel Prize in Literature 1983 was awarded to William Golding. It was "for his novels which, with the perspicuity of realistic narrative art and the diversity and universality of myth, illuminate the human condition in the world of today".
  • William Golding Dies

    William Golding dies in this day. He died in his hometown at Cornwall, England.