William golding 1983

William Golding timeline

  • Period: to

    the birth of William Golding

    William Golding was born September !9, 1911, in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall England, His parents name were Alex and Mildred he was raised in a 14th century house. Alex was a schoolmaster and Mildred was an active suffragette
  • William's school life

    In 1923 William attempted to unsuccessfully write a novel. He was also bullying his peers. He also had quoted that he liked hurting people. His father hoped he would become a scientist but William wrote preoms
  • publishing of Lord of the flies

    The Lord of the flies was written about a group of boys that were abandoned since their pilot got killed when they crashed on anisland
  • death of William

    Golding died on June 19, 1993 he died of a heart attack in Perranarworthal Cornwall, Soon after he died his completed manusculpt for The Double Tongue was published
  • royal navy

    Golding spent six years on a boat, before he had to fight in New York along side Cherwell. Golding even quoted that " I began to see what capable of doing. Anyone who moved those years without understanding that man produces evil as a bee produces honey, must be blind or wrong in the head"