William Golding's Life

  • William Golding is Born

    William Golding is Born
    On September 11, 1911, the author of the "Lord of the Flies", is born in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England.
  • His Parents

    His mother Mildred, was an active suffragate for women's right to vote. His father Alex, was a school master. They all lived in a 14th century house right next to a graveyard.
  • First Published Work

    In 1934, one year before he had graduated, Williams had his first book published, called "Poems"
  • William's Graduation

    William graduated from Oxford in 1935
  • Teaching and Inspirtaion

    In 1935, just after William had graduated, hed had taken up a job in teaching English and Philosiphy at Bishop Wordsworth’s School in Salisbury. The boys that he had taought, were later used as inspirtation for "Lord of the Flies"
  • Leaving the Job, and Entering the Navy

    Even though he was passionate for his teaching job, he left in order to join the Royal Navy and fight in WWII
  • The Royal Navy

    William had spen t the next 6 years on a boat, on which he had assisted Lord Cherwell at the Naval Research Establishment. While he was at sea, he had deveolped a life-long romance with boating and the sea.
  • Rejection and Publishing

    After 21 rejection by many publishers, in 1954, William had finally published his first and most sucessful novel "Lord of the Flies".
  • Retired from Teaching

    In 1962, William had retired from teaching.
  • "Lord of the Flies", A major Motion Picture

    Just after the year William had retired, Peter Brooke made a mojvie based off of the acclaimed novel "Lord of the Flies"
  • The Nobel Prize of Literature

    William Goldingwas awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize for Literature
  • Sir William Golding

    In 1988, William was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, and became Sir William Golding
  • Sir William's Death

    In June 19 of 1993, William had died of a heart attack in Perranarworthal, Cornwall.