William golding

William Golding's Life

  • Birth

    William Golding was born on September 19th, 1911, in Cornwall, England.
  • College

    William Golding attended Brasenose College at Oxford, studying science.
  • Graduation

    William Golding graduated from Oxford with a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in education.
  • Starting to Teach

    Starting to Teach
    WIlliam Golding started to teach in Salisbury
  • Marriage

    William Golding got married to Ann Brookfield, an analytical chemist, on September 30th, 1939. They had two children, Judith and David.
  • Joining the Navy

    Joining the Navy
    William Golding joined the Navy in 1940.
  • Teaching

    William Golding returned to reaching, after returning from the Navy
  • Lord of the Flies

    Lord of the Flies
    William Golding's book, "Lord of the Flies," is published on September 17th, 1954.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    William Golding won a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1983
  • Death

    William Golding died on June 19th, 1933 due to heart failure at age 81.