William Golding's

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    His Early life

    He was born in Cornwall, England on September 19, 1911. He was educated Marlborough Grammar school and at Brasenose College.
  • Marries Ann Brookfield

    He married Ann Brookfield on September 30th, 1939. Until he died 1993
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    Royal Navy

    He joined the Royal Navy in 1940 and spent six years afloat. Excpt for 7 months in New York and 6 months helping Lord Cherwall at the Naval Research Establishment.
  • First Novel

    Lord of the Flies, his first novel, was published in 1954. It was filmed by Peter Brook in 1963.
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    Other Books

    The Inheritors (novel) 1955
    Pincher Martin (novel) 1956
    The Brass Butterfly (play) 1958
    Free Fall (novel) 1959
    The Spire (novel) 1964
    The Hot Gates (essays) 1965
    The Pyramid (novel) 1967
    The Scorpion God (three short novels) 1971
    Darkness Visible (novel) 1979
    Rites of Passage (novel) 1980
    A Moving Target (essays and autobiographical pieces) 1982
    The Paper Men (novel) 1984
    An Egyptian Journal 1985
    Close Quarters (novel) 1987
    Fire Down Below (novel) 1989
  • Booker Prize

    He won the 'Booker Prize' for his novel Rites of Passages in 1980. Before winning it he retired from teaching in 1962.
  • Nobel Piece Prize

    He wrote the critically acclaimed classic Lord of the Flies. He was awarded the Nobel Piece Prize for literature.
  • His Death

    He died of a heart attack in Perranarworthal, Cornwall. After Golding died, his completed manuscript for The Double Tongue was published posthumously.