
william golding

  • birth

    William Golding was born on September 19, 1911, in Cornwall England. his parents were Alex and Mildred Golding.
  • william goes to highschool

    william goes to highschool
    William Golding went to high school at Marlborough Royal Free Grammar School he went in 1926
  • william golding graduates collage

    william golding graduates collage
    William Golding went to Brasenose College and graduated in 1937
  • lord of the flies is published

    lord of the flies is published
    Golding's book lord of the Flies is one of the most popular books in the world and was published on September 17th 1954.
  • william loses his dad

    william loses his dad
    William's father died in 1958 at the age of 82 he lived longer than his son
  • william godling writes and publishes free fall.

    william godling writes and publishes free fall.
    Free Fall was a book about a talented painter but a directionless and unhappy man is a prisoner of war in Germany during World War II. Recently some inmates escaped from his camp. and was published in 1959
  • william golding writes the spire

    william golding writes the spire
    the spire was a book about the will power of a man and was published in 1964
  • william wins the the coveted Booker Prize

    william wins the the coveted Booker Prize
    william golding won the coveted Booker Prize in 1980 just 3 years before he won the noble prize.
  • golding wins the nobel prize

    golding wins the nobel prize
    William Golding won the Literacy Noble Prize in December of 1981.
  • death

    William Golding died on June 19th, 1993, at the age of 81 in the town of Perranarworthal, United Kingdom