Sir william golding 9314523 1 402

William Golding

  • Parents

    His father, Alec,was born in Bristol in 1876. He then became a teacher. While he was teaching in Newquay, he met William Golding's mother, Mildred. They married in Truro Cathedral.
  • Birth

    William Golding was born in Cornwall, England. He was born in September 19, 1911.
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    Golding began attending Brasenose College at Oxford in 1930 and spent two years studying science. He studied science cause that his father wanted him to do. The third year he to something that he liked. He switch to the literature program. Early age he dreamed of writing poetry. In 1935, he graduated from Oxford with a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in education.
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    Sometime in 1930 William Golding was in engaged to Mollie Evans. She was liked by both of William's parents and she was also taught by William's father, Alec. He left Mollie Evans to marry Ann Brookfield in 1939.
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    He writer, actor, and producer with a small theater in an unfashionable part of London. In 1939, he begin teaching English in Salisbury at Bishop Wordsworth's School.
  • First child

    First child
    William and Ana soon had their first child, David Golding in 1940. He left teaching in 1940 and enlisted in the Navy to fight in the Second World War.
  • Second Child

    Second Child
    1945 Judy Golding was born. He was then in Royal Navy during World War II.
  • Lord of the flies

    Lord of the flies
    Lord of the flies has been rejected by 21 publishers. In 1954 it was finally published.
  • Death

    Died on June 19,1993 in Cornwall, England. He died from a heart attack. He was buried in the village churchyard at Bowerchalke, South Wiltshire.